The Golden Sun 4-Koma Gag Battle is a Japanese manga released on December 10, 2001 in Japan as part of the Hi no Tama Game Comic Series, published by Kobunsha. It was published four months after Golden Sun's August 1, 2001 Japanese release date. Since Golden Sun: The Lost Age was released 10 months after the first game, the 4-Koma only features characters and references from the first game, and thus Piers, Karst and Agatio are noticeably absent.
The volume is composed of four-cell strips done by various artists. 4-Koma is shorthand for Yonkoma Manga, meaning 4-cell manga. The majority of the strips involve humour, hence Gag Battle. Eighteen artists contributed to the manga. Each one of them contributed one colour page and six black-and-white pages. In total, the manga came up to 126 pages, 16 of them colored.
There have been separate translation projects underway to translate it into English for the Western Golden Sun community. One project has been ongoing at Golden Sun Realm, with the scans being withheld until it is completed. The other project is being done by a community member pen-named Sora G. Silverwind, who releases the individual scans once translated.
The following table describes each individual page/strip in detail. It is based off the English fan translations and scans provided by Silverwind, and thus is only as complete as her scanslations.
Covers and Miscellaneous Illustrations[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
Front Cover | Kizuki Miki | The front cover of the product, featuring an illustration of the four main characters of the original Golden Sun: Isaac, Garet, Ivan, and Mia. |
Front Cover - Inside Jacket Flap | Mikabe Sesuna | A flap connected to the edge of the front cover from inside. Shows Mia holding a frying pan, with a Jupiter Djinni cutting up the food in the pan and a Mars Djinni heating up the pan from underneath. |
Front Cover - Opening Illustration | Kouta | A title page showing Isaac's party with a Mercury Djinni and a Mars Djinni in a battle scene, with an exasperated Garet being picked up and carried off by a Gryphon. |
Back Cover | Igarashi Emi | The back cover of the product, featuring an illustration of Felix, Alex, Jenna, and Sheba. |
Table of Contents | Hakyuu Shou | The two-page table of contents showing a sort of summer-themed place, with Isaac's crew on the right handling a potted flower, and Saturos, and Menardi on the left trying to have a barbecue but being interrupted by Alex's water-summoning shenanigans. |
Colored strips[]
This first group of pages of the manga are in color, unlike the rest of the product.
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
Using Psynergy | Tonami Minato | Isaac and Garet see a nearby chest, but across a canyon. Isaac figures that if his Move Psynergy can work on rocks and the like, he should be able to use it to telekinetically transport Garet across the canyon to the chest. This does not go so well, as Isaac runs out of power and Garet is dropped right into the canyon. |
Using Psynergy, Take Two | Tonami Minato | With Isaac and Garet now at the bottom of the canyon pit, Isaac figures this time to use the Lift Psynergy to transport Garet up out of the canyon and onto where the chest is. The two hands associated with the Lift Psynergy grab Garet, but Isaac later admits it is difficult to control the strength of the Psynergy, as Garet is flattened like a vertical pancake. |
Look At This | Chigusa Hiroko | Isaac and company relax in an oasis in Lamakan Desert that they discovered with Reveal. They ponder how ordinarily, this oasis is "unseen", while someone or something a fair distance away notices them and is perturbed by the sight of people bathing in a pit of sand. |
Go Ahead, Look! | Chigusa Hiroko | Mia acquires a Mercury Djinni, and Isaac and Ivan note how the watery effects seen when a Mercury Djinni joins the party makes befriending a Mercury Djinni look so refreshing for the person getting it. Likewise, when Garet gets a Mars Djinni, Isaac and Ivan note how painful it looks to befriend a Djinni of that element. |
Golden Gratification | Hakyuu Shou | Isaac engages in an internal monologue on the elements of the world and how he is holding the embodiment of Mars, the Mars Star, in the palm of his hand, leading him to the deep realization... that with an object that valuable, there is nothing he can't buy. Garet is not amused. |
Instant Gratification | Hakyuu Shou | Isaac, Garet, and Ivan have just finished battling the gang of thieves in the inn at Vault. The man they rescued goes off to get the mayor, but Isaac eyes the nearby treasure chests the thieves previously accumulated and declares they gotta loot the chests for themselves now before it's too late. Garet and Ivan are baffled. |
Container | Sakura Shinobu | Isaac & Co. are at the base of Mercury Lighthouse at the fountain newly filled with Hermes' Water. Mia realizes that they forgot to bring an empty bottle, but before she can go back to Imil for it, Isaac decides to fill his own mouth with the water and carry it like that - his idea of a makeshift "container". Mia is not amused. |
Crisis | Sakura Shinobu | Isaac and Garet are approached by Jenna, who rants that she's the main character here and feels she's being shoved out of the spotlight. |
Underthings | Ookubo Midori | Isaac & Co. win a Running Shirt from a Slot machine, and Garet equips it to increase his agility. As for the old Mythril Shirt Garet was previously wearing, Isaac and Ivan propose to wear it for themselves. Mia freaks out over the boys' lack of hygiene. |
But You Get A Luck +1 Bonus | Ookubo Midori | Isaac & Co. then win a Silk Shirt, which Mia immediately and embarassedly snatches, since this is a girls-only item that "covers up things [they] shouldn't be seeing". Isaac, thinking Mia is obsessed about battle protection, says she should wear Garet's old Mythril Shirt as a hand-me-down for the higher defense rating. |
Bargain Buy! | Kyouji Hirona | Mia is annoyed by the spending habits of Isaac and Garet, but Ivan holds up a Venus Djinni that he says can help her "find more sales and bargains". Mia wonders why Isaac and Garet are singing about buying. |
The Horror... | Kyouji Hirona | Isaac & Co. are at the Tunnel Ruins at the room where there are moveable statues that think about where the other statues are in relation to themselves, and have solved the puzzle to make the door near Mia open. Ivan notices the Red Statue is now thinking something else: "There is a girl to the north of me." |
Boys' Opinions | Koutake Hiroyoshi | In Mercury Lighthouse, Mia has finished casting Ply at the statue that causes the goddess spirit within to announce that the Adepts may now stand like "a swan in the center of a rippling pond", and which allows the Adepts to hop across the water in the tower. Garet and Isaac joke that they won't look like "swans" so much as water skeeter bugs; the spirit is insulted, so when the boys walk onto the water they fall right into it. |
Colosso | Koutake Hiroyoshi | As Isaac & Co. are shown around the Colosso stages before Isaac competes on them, his companions realize they can "help" Isaac through the stages while they "cheer" from the audience seats. Isaac is initially reluctant to compete with the fight fixed in his favor like that; at the end, when he is battling Navampa decked out in a Claymore, Chain Mail, and Iron Shield he was able to get through his friends' "help", not so much. |
Skating | Kouta | Isaac & Co. find that the frozen river around Imil is so frozen solid that they can skate on it. When Mia notes that it's the sort of ice where they cannot stop moving once they start, the boys have already begin sliding wildly out of control. |
Dora | Kouta | After Garet has punctured a hole in Isaac's rooftop, Isaac's mother Dora promises she'll fix it herself later, and Jenna thanks her. Dora even holds up a "You'll always be welcome at Dora's" banner. Isaac thinks his mother talks too much; as if she had the Mind Read Psynergy, Dora calls Isaac out, to Isaac's exasperation. |
Lord Babi | Hijiku Kiyomasa | Isaac meets with the imposing, aged mayor of Tolbi, who formally introduces himself as Babi... but then goes a little crazy with delusions of self-grandeur, calling himself the "greatest" and "coolest" in the land. Garet remarks that this image is wrong in many ways. |
Last Chances | Hijiku Kiyomasa | A bee performs its metaphorical "last sting" against its opponent Isaac before it is downed, and Ivan remarks that an enemy's persistence is a frightening thing. Later at dinner, Garet sneaks as his "last bite" a cookie meant for Mia, and Mia goes psycho on Garet. Isaac and Ivan describe a girl's persistence as equally frightening. |
Sol Sanctum 1 | Mizuna Tomomi | During the initial exploration of Sol Sanctum, Kraden presents his thoughts about how if Sol Sanctum were built in honor of the sun, there ought to be something here to reflect that. Isaac takes a Small Jewel he found earlier and inserts it in the empty eye socket of a minotaur statue head on the wall, and the two jewel-eyes glow brightly. Kraden interprets the glow from this statue as said reflection and is entranced by it, to the annoyance of the other three Adepts, who know this isn't what they were looking for. |
Sol Sanctum 2 | Mizuna Tomomi | Still in Sol Sanctum, Kraden and the Adepts come to the chamber where he was told by Saturos and Menardi there would be a tiled sun pattern on the floor, and they make the connection that the Mars Adepts were thieves who came to rob the sanctum. Kraden tells them they should investigate a little farther in before they leave and warn the townspeople of Vale, because he feels they are so close... to some of the really nice treasure he apparently thinks is the stuff the Mars Adepts are after and that he wants for himself. |
First Time At Sea | Oumiwaki | This strip pokes fun at a minor plot inconsistency in Golden Sun: Isaac & Co. arrive at Kalay Docks and see the Karagol Sea, and Isaac and Garet believe this to be the "ocean" Kraden told them about back when they used to live at Vale. A townsperson clarifies that the Karagol is technically not an ocean because it is surrounded by land, to Isaac and Garet's confusion. Ivan and Mia huddle off to the side, amazed that the two could have possibly not noticed the real ocean surrounding Mercury Lighthouse. |
The Never-Ending World | Oumiwaki | The four adventurers of Isaac's group stride through their quest, mentally noting how the world is filled with many things and absorbing the aspects of the scenery they pass by. After a while, they notice that the scenery seems to be repeating itself, though... And then they realize that they got completely lost in Mogall Forest. |
Desert Resort | Taiga Ichigo | At a desert resort, Ivan plucks a ukulele while Isaac and Garet sun-tan upon lounge chairs. Mia shows up wondering what they are doing, and the boys claim that by tanning their bodies dark, they are learning "shadow arts" so they can hide in shadows better. Mia is not amused; Garet figures that's maybe because she probably can't tan due to her getting ugly freckles if she did. |
Thoughts of Friendship | Taiga Ichigo | Has less of a "gag" focus than most other strips; Isaac and Garet reminisce on their journey through learning and training in Psynergy. |
In The Running | Mikabe Sesuna | At some unspecified town, Isaac & Co. note at a town without a mayor that their dispirited populace cannot go on without one. Garet says to Mia he should probably run for mayor himself. As Mia runs off a list of reasons on why Garet would be suited for this role, the townspeople suddenly choose Mia for this position, and Garet remarks this is going to be very easy for him at least. This strip was in fact mistranslated; the strip is actually about the Tolbi-Bound ship and choosing an oarsman. |
Needs More Salt | Mikabe Sesuna | At Babi's Palace, Isaac & Co. see a melancholy Sheba, and Isaac has Ivan use Mind Read on her to see what's wrong. Ivan determines that it's because she gets bland soup for breakfast each morning. Sheba annoyedly asserts that that soup increases her strength and powers. |
Tonami Minato[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
Haircut | Tonami Minato | Isaac, Garet, and Ivan are climbing through the exterior branches of Tret Tree. The many leaves that obscure one's vision up annoy Isaac enough that he orders Ivan to use the Whirlwind Psynergy. Tret ends up with all his branches completely bare of leaves. Laurel, nearby, remarks to Tret "Nice haircut." |
A Tree's Life | Tonami Minato | Isaac, Garet, and Ivan are in Kolima while all the townspeople are cursed with the forms of inanimate trees. One tree in the second floor of the inn tells the Adepts through Mind Read to take it outside so it can get nourishment from the soil. The Adepts have to go through a long, laborious process in the name of "helping out". |
Damaged Goods | Tonami Minato | Isaac & Co. have emptied the water out of Altin, and are now shopping at the recently re-opened armor vendor. Mia buys a Silk Robe, but it's totally wet because it was submerged up until recently. Isaac is not amused. |
Don't Look! | Tonami Minato | Isaac vows to practice with Psynergy as often as possible. He uses the Catch Psynergy to remotely lift up the bottom of Mia's robe and see up her dress. Mia is not amused. To say the least. |
Don't Mind Me... | Tonami Minato | At Fuchin Temple, Isaac & Co. have been unable to get any responses out of the meditating Master Nyunpa. Ivan figures that they will have to use Psynergy to get a meaningful reaction. The Psynergy they use is a bit different from the game: Move, Douse, etc. Nyunpa is not amused. |
Dressing Appropriately | Tonami Minato | Isaac & Co. are going through Lamakan Desert, complaining about the heat and hoping they will happen upon an oasis soon. Garet tells the others that before they even find one, they should take off some of those multiple layers of clothes they're wearing. |
Desperate Housewife | Tonami Minato | At Hammet Palace, Lady Layana assures Isaac & Co. not to worry about Hammet being held captive at Lunpa and to continue on their journeys. To determine whether Layana's really not that worried, Ivan uses Mind Read, and is taken back to see she hopes Hammet will be more "energetic" when he returns. |
Mosquito | Tonami Minato | Mia is bothered by a mosquito, and uses the Lift Psynergy to have the fly quickly and easily squashed in mid-air by the two hands of the Psynergy. Isaac remarks that Mia is remarkably lazy. |
Listless Afternoon | Tonami Minato | Isaac & Co. are at Lamakan Desert, complaining about the heat yet again. They wish they had some of the water-spewing Living Statues from Altin to keep them cool. Provided, of course, that the statues would refrain from trying to bite their heads off. |
Koutake Hiroyoshi[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
Four People on the Roof is Four Too Many | Koutake Hiroyoshi | After a flashback to when Dora tells Isaac, Garet, and Jenna to run along and that she'll fix the roof to the house later, Isaac & Co. have made a return visit to Vale after traveling across Angara, and check up on Dora, who has her illness at this point. Though she assures them she's fine, Isaac checks his room upstairs to see his room is filled with the roof debris from since a long time back. |
Back to Basics | Koutake Hiroyoshi | Isaac sighs, noting to his friends how that they are catching up to their enemies - Saturos, Menardi, Alex, and Felix - and poses the question as to what are he and his friends are compared to that group. Isaac dejectedly points out that their names - Isaac, Garet, Ivan, and Mia - are just so plain in comparison. |
Mercury Lighthouse | Koutake Hiroyoshi | After Isaac & Co. defeat Saturos on the Mercury Lighthouse's Aerie, Alex makes his reappearance saying how Saturos was defeated because he wasn't at full strength. When Ivan asks, Alex presents four possible reasons as a multiple-choice quiz, such as he was hungry and that Menardi was mad at him. Saturos is exasperated and tells Alex that he's supposed to be helping him. |
Anything and Everything | Koutake Hiroyoshi | Ivan's Mind Read Psynergy is presented as being able to be used on anything and get a thought as a response - dogs, trees, statues, you name it. Isaac tickles Ivan in Fuchin Temple, proclaiming he could probably even read the mind of the scary old monk meditating on the floor, Nyunpa, who they assume has no thoughts in his head at all. To their surprise, Nyunpa stirs and responds when his mind is read. |
You'd Be Surprised | Koutake Hiroyoshi | Isaac and Garet note how Mia is such a kind and gentle person, what with her Ply Psynergy and the people of Imil calling her an "angel" and all that. Later, when Mia makes her fearsome declaration to Dodonpa that he is "rotten to the core", an intimidated Isaac and Garet consider their observation struck from the record. |
Mysterious Line of Items | Koutake Hiroyoshi | At an item shopkeeper's place, Isaac and Ivan buy ten Nuts, and note how the way they stack up in their inventories saves space. Then the shopkeeper woman offers them leftover Bones from her dinner for free. Isaac and Ivan take a bunch of bones, but realize that each individual bone takes up its own inventory slot. |
We Scare Ourselves | Koutake Hiroyoshi | Isaac and Garet swap their Djinn so that they will be in the Assassin class (note that this is the Japanese equivalent to what is called the Ruffian class in the English version). The two are dejected by the depressing title of their class, and Ivan thinks they're overreacting. He himself overreacts when he is equipped with the Assassin Blade. |
Choice Words | Koutake Hiroyoshi | In the Elemental Star Chamber, Felix begins his speech on how he knows he's caused Jenna grief over his three-year absence, and Isaac and Garet accost him for not bothering even once to try to convey them that he was saved when he fell during the boulder disaster. Then Saturos butts in and notes that even after he saved him Felix didn't help Saturos in fights at all, and Isaac and Garet get disappointed about that as well. Felix yells "Don't I have any friends here!?" |
You Are What You Eat | Koutake Hiroyoshi | Whenever something happens to Isaac & Co., it is only Ivan who gets blown away like a feather. The others note this, and Ivan says he can't help it because he's a Jupiter Adept. So the others force him to eat a load of food so he'll become heavier. |
The Spirit of Tolbi | Koutake Hiroyoshi | Isaac & Co. are going through Tolbi's plaza. They tell themselves they cannot enjoy themselves at this festival yet because they have a Colosso tournament to compete in. When one vendor at a stall gives them a Corn for free, though, they totally lose their train of thought and celebrate. |
Battle Mode | Koutake Hiroyoshi | Isaac & Co. are in the game's Battle Mode, and fight through repeated boss encounters with Toadonpa and Kraken. They originally didn't think the monsters they fight here would be the bosses they defeated before, but they grin and bear it. Until they are pit against the Fusion Dragon, that is. |
Igarashi Emi[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
Slam Dunk | Igarashi Emi | Isaac is at Tolbi's Lucky Medal Fountain, ready to throw a Lucky Medal in. But rather than facing backward and throwing it behind him, he leaps into the air and slams the medal into the center of the fountain with great force. The dragon-head sculpture that rewards a Lucky Medal thrower with an item is not amused. |
Blessings From the Earth | Igarashi Emi | A Mole that Isaac & Co. are battling uses its Worms monster skill to eat a worm and restore its HP. Isaac and Garet are envious of the Mole because they are hungry themselves. The Mole offers them some of these worms, and Isaac and Garet run away fast as it chases after them with a clawful of worms. |
Mannequin | Igarashi Emi | In the cursed town of Kolima, Isaac & Co. see a tree wearing clothes that are really ugly in their opinion. Isaac changes its clothes to something more "fitting", apparently under the impression that the tree is a lady. After they break Tret's curse, they are taken aback to see the tree's a middle-aged man. |
Great Big Sea | Igarashi Emi | On the Tolbi-bound Ship, Isaac and Garet mimic an iconic scene from James Cameron's Titanic (with Isaac as Rose and Garet as Jack, respectively). Sean, who is down on the ground nearby, notifies them that it's about time they do something about the Kraken that has just boarded their ship. |
Heatstroke | Igarashi Emi | Isaac & Co. are going through Lamakan Desert under the intense heat. They use Reveal to make visible what Isaac and Garet perceive to be an oasis, but what to Ivan and Mia is clearly an Ant Lion pit. Isaac and Garet dive right in and snuggle with the befuddled Ant Lion. |
A Shot at Winning | Igarashi Emi | Isaac's friends are cheering for him from the audiences at Colosso while secretly helping his progress along with their Psynergy. Garet, unfortunately, uses the Force Psynergy to destroy a critical platform that Isaac needs to jump across. |
Junked Food | Igarashi Emi | Isaac has Garet keep their last remaining Cookie safe. Later, when Ivan asks if there is something that can increase his Psynergy Points, Isaac has Garet present the cookie. Unfortunately it's completely crumbled. A Jupiter Djinni sucks up the remnants. |
Kamehameha | Igarashi Emi | In the scene where Hsu is trapped under a boulder and Feizhi and Hama are unable to help him out, Isaac & Co. come along. Isaac does not use Lift, but rather summons Cybele, which plops right onto the boulder. Isaac seems amused, but Feizhi certainly isn't, as she blasts Isaac away with Chi. |
Everyone Thinks So | Igarashi Emi | Isaac and Garet, on Venus Lighthouse's Aerie, flash back to when a townsperson told them that Sheba came to the world like a meteor, crashing into the ruins and creating a massive depression in the center of the ruins without any bruises. They make the connection... that that's why Sheba's hair looks like a helmet; apparently it really does serve as one. Even Saturos, Menardi, and Felix are amused. |
Corn on the Combo | Igarashi Emi | After Isaac & Co. have defeated Saturos and Menardi for the first time on Venus Lighthouse's Aerie, Menardi declares that they'll be back on their feet and ready to do battle again as soon as they do "this": Saturos whips out... Corn from Tolbi. Both he and Isaac and Garet munch down on their corn as Menardi shrieks about how Saturos is supposed to use the Venus Star. |
Mind-Reading Girl | Igarashi Emi | As Sheba hangs on off the side of the tower and Felix tries to get her to take his hand, Sheba uses Mind Read and sees that Felix, while thinking she's cute, also thinks she's heavy (see: fat). Outraged, Sheba intentionally lets go and falls off Venus Lighthouse. |
Mikabe Sesuna[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
It's Super Effective! | Mikabe Sesuna | Isaac and Garet are trying to catch the Jupiter Djinni Kite in Vale Cave by chasing it around, and they keep on getting in each other's way. Isaac decides to try out the Halt Psynergy they recently got in the cave: He uses it on Garet, so he can resume chasing around Kite in circles by himself. |
Tread Lightly | Mikabe Sesuna | Garet pokes holes in Isaac's roof with his clumsy footing before their quest. Much later when Isaac & Co. have traveled across Angara, they make their temporary return visit to Vale, and notice that the roof has been fixed while they were gone. Garet's father displays the bill for roof repairs his family has had to take care of. |
How Convenient | Mikabe Sesuna | Isaac and Ivan ask about a novel Mia is reading, and Mia says she'll lend them the book when she's done with it. Ivan assures that won't be necessary; with how his Mind Read Psynergy can be used to transfer thoughts from one person to another through himself via physical contact, the three Adepts are effectively able to read the same novel at the same time. |
Made You Look! | Mikabe Sesuna | At Fuchin Temple, Garet and Ivan have not been able to get a reaction out of Master Nyunpa, but think of something else. So they take away his candles. This prompts a reaction. |
Keeping It Simple | Mikabe Sesuna | Ivan Mind Reads his three friends without saying a word, and his friends keep silent in confusion. He then announces what tonight's dinner is. Garet yells that Ivan should ask out loud what everyone wants for dinner. |
Regular Use | Mikabe Sesuna | Jenna notes that Felix's sword looks as though it has never been used for combat. As Felix explains through demonstration, he uses it as a kitchen knife. |
In The Oasis | Mikabe Sesuna | Isaac & Co. are in an oasis in Lamakan Desert, and their temperature ratings are cooled down. When Mia steps in wearing a bathing suit, Isaac, Garet, and Ivan's temperature ratings rise all the way back up - with an accompanying "hubba hubba", to her confusion. |
Trivia | Mikabe Sesuna | In Vault's Inn, Ivan Mind Reads one of the thieves, and determines that he is the one who stole his Shaman's Rod. But then he also reports several other irrelevant personal facts, spooking Garet. |
Neither Hair Nor There | Mikabe Sesuna | Before they lift Tret's curse from Kolima, Isaac & Co. notice that one of the human-sized trees has no leaves on it at all compared to the others, and are curious as to what that one looks like as a person. After Tret's curse is lifted, they come back to find that that tree is an old bald man. |
Read My... | Mikabe Sesuna | Garet lets out a long, dejected sigh. Mia says he's thinking about when it's time to eat; Garet is shocked, believing Mia apparently has the Mind Read Psynergy too. But of course not; people only need to Face Read when it comes to determining Garet's obvious feelings. |
Gold Digger | Mikabe Sesuna | Ivan would really like to buy a staff as his new weapon, but the group notes that they don't quite have the cost covered. Ivan assures them they have the money, and says that through Reveal he knows Garet has hidden coins within his shirt and hidden compartments in his boots. Garet is exasperated as Ivan tries to retrieve the money. |
Hijiku Kiyomasa[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
Job Motivation | Hijiku Kiyomasa | On the Tolbi-bound Ship, Isaac & Co. have agreed to help out Kaja protect the oarsmen from sea monster attacks, and when one oarsman is KO'ed Isaac brings a replacement out of one of the passengers of the ship. Just like in the game, but then Isaac and Kaja see Mia acting as a slave driver over the replacement - rather out of character. |
The Chosen One | Hijiku Kiyomasa | Lord Babi decides which of the four members of Isaac's party should compete in his Colosso tournament. He rules the female Mia out, rules out Garet because he can't remember his name, and rules out Ivan because he doesn't look like much at all. He settles on Isaac, referencing him with each of the five vowels as the first letter. |
Dull | Hijiku Kiyomasa | A dispirited Mia says to Isaac and Babi she doesn't feel like performing white magic anymore, because a lot of it, like Dull, is "Dull" indeed. |
My Brother the Narcissist | Hijiku Kiyomasa | In the Elemental Star Chamber, when Felix has revealed himself to Jenna for the first time, she asks why Saturos and Menardi saved him. Felix responds with a multiple choice quiz, with every choice indicating that Felix obviously thinks very highly of himself. Menardi is rather shocked at how Felix is so glib about his sister's feelings that he'd engage in delusions of self-grandeur. |
Longing For a Family | Hijiku Kiyomasa | In the Elemental Star Chamber, Saturos takes note of Felix having a younger sister. Menardi asks if Saturos wants a sister too, and Saturos of course says no. Menardi makes an impossibly cute face, refers to him as "big brother", and asks for a hug to tease Saturos' and his self-alleged indifference. Felix has to be told by Saturos that they aren't actually related. |
Bravo For Beauty | Hijiku Kiyomasa | Garet gets the genders of certain characters mixed, referring to Alex as "pretty" and Hama as "good-looking" as a man would. Mia and Ivan correct him on each count respectively, leaving him utterly taken aback. |
Heart and Soul | Hijiku Kiyomasa | A rather cryptic strip with its joke/gag being anyone's guess. Involves Ivan angsting and Mia being very out of character. |
Tolbi Spring 1 | Hijiku Kiyomasa | At Tolbi's Lucky Medal Fountain, Mia throws one in, but the Lucky Medal does not land flat on one of its two faces, instead standing up balanced on its edge. Mia and Isaac wonder if she won or not. |
Tolbi Spring 2 | Hijiku Kiyomasa | Garet tries next, throwing one into the fountain, but the Lucky Medal bounces straight off a turtle's shell and out of the fountain, counting as a ring-out. Garet goes in a blind rage while the others revel in his bad luck. |
Envying | Hijiku Kiyomasa | Alex performs his Warp in front of Mia, and Mia demands to know how he is able to do that. Alex's response? "I took lessons in space." Mia immediately goes over to Saturos and appeals to him, believing she may get the Warp for herself. The other three of Isaac's group claim she totally betrayed them. |
A Woman's Heart and a Man's Heart | Hijiku Kiyomasa | Menardi eyes a dress in a store, and comes to Saturos (who's currently spoonfeeding Kraden like a baby) to propose they buy it. Saturos tells her they're short on money. But Menardi uses the baby-face she invented in "Longing For a Family" to appeal to Saturos, and soon the dress is hers. A defeated Saturos invites Felix to laugh at him. |
Nanatani Bun[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
Really | Nanatani Bun | As Isaac and Garet begin on their quest, the Venus Djinni Flint introduces itself and describes its power to Isaac in detail. Garet tells him to shoo the critter away so they can get on with their quest. Flint unleashes its battle effect on Garet both in retaliation and to demonstrate its power to Isaac, who approves. |
A Heated Situation | Nanatani Bun | At Mercury Lighthouse's Aerie, before their big battle with Saturos, Garet tells his Mars Djinni that he doesn't need it Set on him. After the battle, which they won, it is explained how the energy of Mercury Lighthouse makes Mars Adepts weak. Then the Mars Djinni gets its revenge on Garet by dousing him with a bucket of water. |
Like, Totally! | Nanatani Bun | Isaac and his Venus Djinni talk with each other and enjoy themselves in a very cutesy manner as they eat together. They then turn to Garet and his Mars Djinni and ask if they're not jealous. Garet and the Mars Djinni - perhaps soured by the previous strip - are most certainly not. |
5 Minutes Prior to Departure | Nanatani Bun | Before Isaac and Garet leave Vale on their journey, they see if they can check Sol Sanctum again even as Mt. Aleph is erupting. They come across the monk that tells them they cannot pass because of the danger. Isaac reveals that he left the Mars Star back in Sol Sanctum, so Garet tackles the monk aside to return to Sol Sanctum. |
Earth, Air, Water, Fire | Nanatani Bun | Each Adept is offered a little service of friendship by his or her respective Djinni - the Venus Djinni grows a flower for Isaac, the Jupiter Djinni provides a breeze for Ivan, the Mercury Djinni offers Mia a cup of water, and the Mars Djinni proposes to cook Garet up. Garet says he's fine as is. |
Folktale | Nanatani Bun | At the Inn in Vault, Ivan retrieves the Shaman's Rod from a treasure chest. Isaac asks what is this "Shaman's Rod" Ivan was looking for, and Ivan proceeds to tell an apparently unrelated folktale. |
Creative Use | Nanatani Bun | Garet wonders where the Shaman's Rod and Mars Star went, and Mia tells them Isaac took them recently. Garet is reasonably sure Isaac knows what those things are for. At least up until he sees Isaac and a Venus Djinni playing baseball with each other, using the Mars Star as the ball and the Shaman's Rod as the bat. Garet, for once being the sensible one, summons Meteor into Isaac's face. |
Forgive Without Forgetting | Nanatani Bun | Isaac & Co. have felled Toadonpa, whose dead weight has landed onto Dodonpa. Garet proposes to leave him like that, but Isaac somewhat ridiculously proposes to forgive him and forget a laundry list of trouble he's caused them and try to move Toadonpa's body off. As they move the body off, Garet notices Isaac's stepping on Dodonpa's head while moving the body. |
Look Before You Log Roll | Nanatani Bun | In Kolima Forest, Isaac & Co. are presented with log-rolling puzzles. While Ivan is all into planning out each log movement, Garet wants to deal with the whole thing quickly, and figure things out on the fly. He and Isaac attempt this approach together, but get tangled up and trapped by logs. |
The Power of Change | Nanatani Bun | Garet demonstrates that setting 3 Venus Djinn and 3 Jupiter Djinn give him ninja powers, and Mia demonstrates that setting 3 Venus Djinn and 4 Jupiter Djinn gives her healing magic. Isaac attempts to be smart by demonstrating that 1 Mercury Djinni and 1 Mars Djinni produces hot water. The two said Djinn beat him up. |
Combo! | Nanatani Bun | A Living Statue is squirting water into the town of Altin. Isaac whacks the statue aside using a paper fan. Later, Isaac tells a resident of Altin that he has "no idea" what could have flooded the town, and Garet notes that that is quite a lie Isaac is telling. |
Kyouji Hirona[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
Newbie Hero | Kyouji Hirona | In the Elemental Star Chamber, Mt. Aleph begins to erupt, and the Wise One emerges into view. When Isaac sees the enormous entity right behind him, he's startled enough that he drops the Mars Star into the watery pit. This is presented as another "alternative ending" to the Golden Sun series. |
Surely... | Kyouji Hirona | Felix investigates a stone well in Vale, and assume that there surely isn't anything down there. But he slips and falls face-first into the well. Later, Isaac investigates the same well, and hears some groaning noises down there, but he thinks "Surely..." |
I Think That's Too High | Kyouji Hirona | At the top floor of Tret Tree, Isaac & Co. are at the place where they are supposed to jump through the center of spider webs and fall down six floors to the basement. Isaac, of course, thinks that's far too high a distance to jump, but Garet shoves him down into the hole. Isaac's scarf immediately wraps itself around Garet's neck like a grappling hook and threatens to drag him down with Isaac. |
??? | Kyouji Hirona | ??? |
??? | Kyouji Hirona | ??? |
Delicious | Kyouji Hirona | Mia attempts to use one Power Bread, Cookie, Apple, Hard Nut, Mint, and Lucky Pepper each in one recipe to create an item that will enhance every aspect of an Adept's overall performance. The health hazard that is created tastes horrific. |
Confusion | Kyouji Hirona | Isaac & Co. go into a cave trail that eventually becomes pitch black, spooking them all out. They eventually make it out to daylight on the other side, but then they notice Garet is missing. He is actually hiding underneath Mia's robe. Mia will most likely not be amused. |
??? | Kyouji Hirona | ??? |
??? | Kyouji Hirona | ??? |
??? | Kyouji Hirona | ??? |
??? | Kyouji Hirona | ??? |
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
I Wish I Could Mind Read You | Saikiyuni | Isaac and Garet, after the episode at Mt. Aleph, get a more detailed description of the entity they encountered, the Wise One, from the Great Healer at Vale. Isaac suddenly envisions the Wise One as the head of a human male in a speedo. Garet echoes the title of this strip. |
Oh No He Didn't | Saikiyuni | At Kolima Forest, Isaac & Co. are about to give Tret the one bottle's worth of Hermes' Water they have, when all of a sudden Garet drinks it for himself, to the extreme shock of the others. Garet immediately proceeds to "refill" the Empty Bottle for the purposes of their quest by emptying his bladder into it. Isaac casts Move to push Garet away before he can pour that into Tret. |
Topknot | Saikiyuni | Isaac sets his Djinn so that he becomes the Samurai class, which immediately replaces his dirt-blond hair with a black topknot, and which prompts him into using an old and "appropriately" over-the-top Japanese dialect. Garet wonders if he would have to talk like that if he ever changes into the Samurai class. |
Heart's Eye | Saikiyuni | At Lama Temple, Master Hama teaches Ivan the Reveal Psynergy before she leaves with Feizhi. Ivan immediately tries out Reveal on Hama and Feizhi, and finds out firsthand that what he can perceive with that talent is most certainly "revealing" indeed. |
Like a Sparkling White Smile | Saikiyuni | After crossing Lamakan Desert, Isaac & Co. have made it to Kalay, and have made it to the palace gates of Hammet Palace. The guards at the gate make their proclamation that they didn't recognize Ivan at first because of how much his appearance has changed. Ivan asks Isaac if he has really changed that much; the last panel shows that Ivan looks a lot more like Agatio from The Lost Age. |
Typical Water | Saikiyuni | Isaac says he set a Jupiter Djinni on himself, but can't find wherever the Djinni is on his body. He suddenly produces the Jupiter Djinni... out of his left nostril. It would be charitable to say that Garet is not amused. |
Unfair Assistance | Saikiyuni | At the Colosso Finals, Isaac has won two of his three matches thanks to the help his friends were able to secretly provide while cheering from the audiences. They prepare for the third round, and his friends perform their modifications to the round's set of stages. However, Isaac performs miserably while his opponent, Navampa, performs flawlessly. It occurs to his friends that they were cheering on the wrong side of Colosso. |
??? | Saikiyuni | ??? |
??? | Saikiyuni | ??? |
??? | Saikiyuni | ??? |
??? | Saikiyuni | ??? |
Mizuna Tomomi[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
Roof Repairs | Mizuna Tomomi | While Isaac is up on the roof of his house and his mother Dora is with him, Jenna climbs up onto the roof to greet Dora, and Garet follows suit. Then a town milkman climbs up to say good morning, then a neighbor comes up, and so on... And then Isaac's house buckles in and collapses under the weight. |
Companion | Mizuna Tomomi | Isaac and Garet meet the Venus Djinni Flint for the first time as they start off on their quest; at the moment unfamiliar with Djinn in general, they ask it if it is a monkey, dog, or some other animal, then say that they don't have any food for it. Flint states in annoyance that it does not need food. |
That Masked Man | Mizuna Tomomi | In the Elemental Star chamber, Saturos commands Felix to remove his mask, and Felix reluctantly complies. Turns out he was so reluctant about revealing his true identity to someone like his sister Jenna that he was wearing about two dozen copies of the mask. |
It Is The Town of Xian! | Mizuna Tomomi | Isaac & Co. are walking along on their quest, talking normally. They pass through the town of Xian. Now they are walking along on their quest, talking quite abnormally. |
Crossing the Sea | Mizuna Tomomi | On the Tolbi-bound Ship, attacks by monsters have already transpired and Isaac's party has already chosen passengers to do the rowing as stand-ins for the oarsmen that got injured by the monsters. Kaja responds to another scream of pain and checks under deck, but Isaac casually replies that it's just the elderly man they chose to do the rowing spraining his back. Kaja is not amused by Isaac's choice of oarsman. |
??? | Mizuna Tomomi | ??? |
??? | Mizuna Tomomi | ??? |
Through the Desert 1 | Mizuna Tomomi | Isaac & Co. are going through the intensely hot Lamakan Desert. Ivan uses Reveal to indicate to everyone a hidden oasis, which everyone immediately jumps into. However, Ivan's ability to use Reveal is still untested, because it did not show an actual oasis, and everyone has ended up diving themselves into plain sand. |
Through the Desert 2 | Mizuna Tomomi | Continuing through the desert, Isaac & Co. all vocalize their displeasure with the intense heat. Ivan tests whether that's the only thing on his friends' minds by Mind Reading them, and he finds that while Garet and Mia are thinking about how hot they are, Isaac is merely thinking "I'm hungry." |
??? | Mizuna Tomomi | ??? |
??? | Mizuna Tomomi | ??? |
Hakyuu Shou[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
??? | Hakyuu Shou | ??? |
??? | Hakyuu Shou | ??? |
??? | Hakyuu Shou | ??? |
??? | Hakyuu Shou | ??? |
??? | Hakyuu Shou | ??? |
??? | Hakyuu Shou | ??? |
??? | Hakyuu Shou | ??? |
??? | Hakyuu Shou | ??? |
??? | Hakyuu Shou | ??? |
??? | Hakyuu Shou | ??? |
??? | Hakyuu Shou | ??? |
Tsukino Dekayu[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
??? | Tsukino Dekayu | ??? |
??? | Tsukino Dekayu | ??? |
??? | Tsukino Dekayu | ??? |
??? | Tsukino Dekayu | ??? |
??? | Tsukino Dekayu | ??? |
??? | Tsukino Dekayu | ??? |
??? | Tsukino Dekayu | ??? |
??? | Tsukino Dekayu | ??? |
??? | Tsukino Dekayu | ??? |
Living Statue 1 | Tsukino Dekayu | Isaac & Co. encounter the Living Statue that is flooding Altin with water. It hops away into the nearby cave, and to flee its pursuers it uses the Frost Psynergy to freeze a puddle into an ice pillar, which it proceeds to climb up to and hop across. The ice pillar crumbles underneath its weight, and the statue is downed. |
Living Statue 2 | Tsukino Dekayu | The Living Statue tries again to flee Isaac's group, who watch as it hops along, approaching a burning torch on the wall, and making facial contact with the flame. The statue is downed again. |
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
??? | Oumiwaki | ??? |
??? | Oumiwaki | ??? |
??? | Oumiwaki | ??? |
??? | Oumiwaki | ??? |
??? | Oumiwaki | ??? |
??? | Oumiwaki | ??? |
??? | Oumiwaki | ??? |
??? | Oumiwaki | ??? |
??? | Oumiwaki | ??? |
??? | Oumiwaki | ??? |
??? | Oumiwaki | ??? |
Sakura Shinobu[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
??? | Sakura Shinobu | ??? |
Watch This! | Sakura Shinobu | Isaac & Co. are, as usual, trying to get the meditating Master Nyunpa to respond. Garet's bright idea is to eat meat in front of him. When this doesn't work, Garet apparently figures that Nyunpa being a monk is the reason why. |
How's This? | Sakura Shinobu | Isaac is at Feh's Dojo at Xian, and is told by a student of Feh that he will have to knock a log down with spiritual force in order to be admitted to meet with Master Feh. Isaac doesn't have the Force Psynergy, but he improvises by moving the log off to the side with the Move Psynergy. Isaac says he didn't knock it down, but Feh's student is impressed enough to be freaked out and call for Feh. |
??? | Sakura Shinobu | ??? |
??? | Sakura Shinobu | ??? |
??? | Sakura Shinobu | ??? |
Worldly Attachments | Sakura Shinobu | Isaac & Co. have previously met with Babi in his cloaked guise, and Mia said her line about how she doesn't believe there's anything one can do to keep from growing old. When Isaac's group finds the Mystic Draught at the bottom of Altmiller Cave, Mia has a huge desire to have that fluid for herself. |
It's a Sandstorm! New! |
Sakura Shinobu | When Isaac & Co. encounter one of the whirlwinds in Suhalla Desert, Isaac tells Mia to use her Psynergy on it so as to reveal the Tornado Lizard inside for them to battle. But rather than Douse, Mia uses Ice Horn instead, which knocks out the Tornado Lizard right away. Isaac realizes that was the wrong Psynergy, despite it working all the better for them. |
??? | Sakura Shinobu | ??? |
??? | Sakura Shinobu | ??? |
??? | Sakura Shinobu | ??? |
Taiga Ichigo[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
On Second Thought | Taiga Ichigo | Isaac and Ivan decide to Mind Read everyone they encounter as they walk through a particular town. For Isaac to receive the same thoughts that Ivan gets from his Psynergy, they must always be in physical contact, so the two walk through the town holding hands. Naturally, this gets some suspicious stares from the populace. |
The Clothed Tree | Taiga Ichigo | Isaac observes that a nearby tall tree is wearing a T-shirt, and wonders why. Garet thinks it's like a pet dressed in a little suit. |
Remembering | Taiga Ichigo | Garet makes an inspirational speech about believing in your sense of responsibility. This has a technically proper but unintended effect on Isaac: He starts heading back to Vale to fix the broken roof. |
??? | Taiga Ichigo | ??? |
??? | Taiga Ichigo | ??? |
Water New! |
Taiga Ichigo | Isaac & Co. note how sand seems to be weak against water since it can calm the sandstorms of Suhalla Desert, and agree that it's up to Mia to provide the water with her Psynergy should the need arise. When Isaac and Garet start to construct a sand castle and ask for some water, though, Mia is not amused. |
??? | Taiga Ichigo | ??? |
The Things Unseen | Taiga Ichigo | Ivan professes his Reveal Psynergy's ability to see what has been unseen until now. Using it, he looks at Isaac's crotch area, and somewhat cryptically makes reference (as a fortune teller would) to a girl whose description matches Mia's. Perhaps this strip is supposed to comically allude to what is nowadays called mudshipping. |
??? | Taiga Ichigo | ??? |
??? | Taiga Ichigo | ??? |
??? | Taiga Ichigo | ??? |
Ookubo Midori[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
Prank | Ookubo Midori | In Isaac, Garet, and Jenna's initial exploration of Sol Sanctum, they come to a minotaur statue-head with one of its eye sockets missing a jewel. They figure to use the Small Jewel they found earlier: Isaac mischievously applies the Small Jewel into the statue's nose, and everyone laughs. But then they discover they cannot remove the Jewel. Thus does the story of Golden Sun come to an end before it begins. |
??? | Ookubo Midori | ??? |
??? | Ookubo Midori | ??? |
Rock, Paper, Scissors | Ookubo Midori | Isaac & Co. discover the Elven Rapier, and read from its attached tag that it is Jupiter-aligned. Ivan says it's okay, he doesn't need it because Jupiter Psynergy is his main offense. Isaac and Garet then decide which of them equips the weapon through a game of Janken, which they play using Psynergy-conjured hands similar to what appears whenever they use Psynergy like Move. Ivan calls that a waste of Psynergy. |
??? | Ookubo Midori | ??? |
??? | Ookubo Midori | ??? |
??? | Ookubo Midori | ??? |
Mr. Loser | Ookubo Midori | On Mercury Lighthouse, Alex makes his appearance to Isaac's party after Saturos' defeat. Isaac & Co. recall the story from Imil about how Alex was the apprentice of Mia's father, but disappeared and abandoned Mia and Imil, then deal horrid blows to his ego with a barrage of insults and names such as "coward" and "total disgrace". An emotionally defeated Alex tells Saturos he'll just have to escape Mercury Lighthouse on his own. |
??? | Ookubo Midori | ??? |
??? | Ookubo Midori | ??? |
??? | Ookubo Midori | ??? |
Zenigata Taimu[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
The Folly of Youth | Zenigata Taimu | In the prologue sequence at Vale, Isaac convinces Garet to leave his big chest of stuff behind, but Garet snags certain items for himself regardless. When they cross a bridge near where Felix is hanging on for life in a river, Garet accidentally drops one of his items - a Japanese Kendama - which drops right onto Felix's head, knocking him out and allowing him to fall down river over the nearby waterfall. Even to the present Isaac and Garet feel really guilty about that goof. |
Miracle Gro | Zenigata Taimu | Kay rages about how Garet's training stone crushed her flowers. Garet and Isaac huddle together to come up with some way to present a formal apology. Later, Kay notices her flower garden and is enraged by the appearance of a pair of gargantuan flowers having replaced her normal small flower garden. Isaac defeatedly notes that there's no pleasing her. |
My Treasure | Zenigata Taimu | After Isaac & Co. defeat the Vault gang of thieves, Ivan thanks his friends for their help and goes to the chest where his missing Shaman's Rod is supposed to be so as to retrieve it. Instead of the rod, there's a stuffed rabbit doll, which an old man eagerly claims. Ivan freaks out about where the Shaman's Rod could be. |
??? | Zenigata Taimu | ??? |
??? | Zenigata Taimu | ??? |
??? | Zenigata Taimu | ??? |
??? | Zenigata Taimu | ??? |
??? | Zenigata Taimu | ??? |
??? | Zenigata Taimu | ??? |
Real Heroes Don't Need a Compass | Zenigata Taimu | Isaac & Co. are at the last room in Tunnel Ruins, attempting the thinking colored statue puzzle. Each statue thinks out its directional clues, but Isaac, Garet, and Mia get their directions mixed up as they try to apply the instructions of the statues. Ivan Mind Reads a statue again and the statue thinks the Adepts are idiots. |
Meh... | Zenigata Taimu | At the end of the prologue sequence to Golden Sun, after Saturos and Menardi have survived an incident that tragically claimed the lives of their raiding party, and the pair had to subsequently knock out a young Isaac and Garet before making their escape from Vale: They go fishing in Vale's river. While the storm is still active. They quickly land an unconscious Felix with their fishing rod. And that is a pre-The Lost Age speculation on how Felix came to join Saturos and Menardi on their quest. |
Chigusa Hiroko[]
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
??? | Chigusa Hiroko | ??? |
??? | Chigusa Hiroko | ??? |
Age Difference | Chigusa Hiroko | In the Elemental Star Chamber, after Felix has revealed his identity, Jenna makes her thunderstruck inquiry as to why Felix had left her all alone the past three years. Kraden comforts her by claiming that she wasn't really alone all those years, since she had Kraden all that time. Felix freaks and disapproves of this scenario and its implications. |
??? | Chigusa Hiroko | ??? |
??? | Chigusa Hiroko | ??? |
My Job | Chigusa Hiroko | At Xian, Isaac tails the girl carrying water buckets to and fro until he yells at her that her job is to spill water right in a particular spot (so he can later Frost it to reach a Mercury Djinni). The affronted girl tells him off, saying her job is to carry water, not spill it on the ground. |
Has-Been | Chigusa Hiroko | At McCoy's Palace, one of the palace maids tells Isaac that Lady McCoy was famous for her beauty once. Isaac investigates the now-elderly woman for herself and remarks she went "from beauty to beast". Lady McCoy's reaction is a simple "what?" |
One Piece | Chigusa Hiroko | In McCoy's Palace, Isaac & Co. are presented by a palace guard with their reward of being able to open one of four treasure boxes from the palace vaults. Isaac gets the bright idea of using Move to horizontally crush the four chests together so that the four together are now only as wide as one individual chest. Garet wonders if Isaac considered what would happen to the contents of the chests when he pulled that stunt. |
Padding | Chigusa Hiroko | Isaac, having recently met Mia, asks her if she has a Mercury Djinni. Mia invites the Mercury Djinni Fizz to come out of its hiding spot underneath the chest area of her clothes, then explains that "Fizz likes warm places." Isaac remarks that there "must be a lot of room in there", which can possibly be interpreted as indicating Isaac thinks that Mia's flat-chested. |
??? | Chigusa Hiroko | ??? |
??? | Chigusa Hiroko | ??? |
Translated title | Artist | Synopsis |
??? | Kouta | ??? |
??? | Kouta | ??? |
??? | Kouta | ??? |
??? | Kouta | ??? |
??? | Kouta | ??? |
Gambler New! |
Kouta | Isaac & Co. play Lucky Dice in Tolbi. Frustrated by their losses, the boys use their Move Psynergy to manipulate the dice into landing on the "3" row with both dice reading "3" on the top, giving them a perfect roll of four 3's. The dice game clerk somehow recognizes the cheating and declares their roll invalid. |
??? | Kouta | ??? |
??? | Kouta | ??? |
??? | Kouta | ??? |
??? | Kouta | ??? |
??? | Kouta | ??? |
External links[]
Main series games:
Other media:
4-Koma Gag Battle