An Air Bangle is a Bracelet-class Artifact introduced in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.
Basic Description[]
An Air Bangle increases the wearer's Defense by 39 points and increases the wearer's Jupiter Power by 30 points. It can be sold for 4500 coins and subsequently rebought for 6000 coins.
The Air Bangle can be obtained by bringing the forgeable material Quality Zol to Obaba in Champa. Obaba will forge the Quality Zol into one of 5 possible items, chosen at random, with the Air Bangle being one choice. She will then present the Air Bangle to the player free of charge. Unusually for a Bracelet class item, the Air Bangle can be equipped by all Adepts.
In many ways, the Air Bangle fulfills a similar use to the Leda's Bracelet Artifact from Golden Sun: The Lost Age, with similar increases to Defense and Elemental Power. However, the Air Bangle is more useful because it is not limited to Mage-style Adepts, but can be equipped by all party members. This makes it extremely useful for any Adept that is in a Jupiter-influenced class or is using a weapon with a Jupiter-based Unleash.