The Call Dullahan Psynergy being used against the real Dullahan in Anemos Inner Sanctum.
The Call Psynergy series is a series of Psynergies available to the different classes of the Dark Mage class series. Each of the Psynergies is represented by a different supernatural enemy coming forth and striking the foe physically. As with the Fume Psynergy series, all the different techniques can only hit one target. Unlike other Psynergy series, the Call series is not comprised of one element; its three different levels are representative of the Mercury, Venus and Jupiter elements, respectively.
Psynergy Spells[]
Call Zombie is the first of the series. It is aligned with the Mercury element, and summons forth a common Zombie enemy to perform its standard attack on the foe. It is the only one of the techniques available to the Dark Mage and Crypt Lord classes. It is the only Psynergy in the series that doesn't use an attack multiplier; instead, it has a straight base power of 40. It costs 5 PP to use, and is available from Level 1.
Call Demon is the second of the series. It is aligned with the Venus element, and summons a Red Demon enemy to perform its signature physical special, the Vital Moon. Just like Vital Moon, Call Demon has a chance to reduce the victim's HP to 1, rather than do normal damage. It is available once the Necrolyte class has been reached. Call Demon multiplies its user's Attack stat by 1.9 when cast. It costs 13 PP to perform, and is learned at Level 26.
Call Dullahan is the final member of the series. Aligned with Jupiter, it summons the single strongest enemy in the game to perform one of its most devastating powers, Formina Sage (- with the correct name being Fulminous Edge, being different due to a mistranslation). In direct correlation with the immense power of Dullahan, the attack has the highest attack multiplier of any Psynergy in the game; it triples the caster's Attack stat. It is only available to the Necromage class, costs 21 PP to perform, and is not learned until Level 47. It is commonly believed that Dullahan must be defeated in order for this Psynergy to be available. However, this is not the truth.
Call Dullahan only requires the Adept to have a Tomegathericon equipped and be at a high-enough level, 47 to be precise to use that Psynergy. The description refers to "the dullahan"—no capitalization. That is, the Necromage simply calls one of the dullahan (meaning a malevolent fairy) species and not the one that is within Anemos Sanctum.
Power |
Phys. Attack |
Annihilation • Call Demon • Dinox • Grand Golem • Helm Splitter / Skull Splitter
• Living Armor • Minotaurus • Ragnarok / Odyssey • Sabre Dance • Troll |
Power |
Phys. Attack |
Astral Blast / Thunder Mine • Backstab • Call Dullahan • Death Plunge / Death Leap
• Emu • Ghost Soldier • Gryphon • Harpy • Quick Strike • Shuriken • Whiplash |
Support . |
Baffle Card • Bind • Delude • Demon Spear series • Drain • Dull series
• Fresh Breeze series • Impact series • Magic Shell series • Mist • Psy Drain • Sleep • Sleep Card • Ward series • Weaken series |
Power |
Phys. Attack |
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Category:Mercury-based offenses | Category:Venus-based offenses | Category:Jupiter-based offenses | Category:Damage-multiplying effects |