Golden Sun Universe

The Class-Changing Items are introduced in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. When one of these items are equipped, it changes your selected character's class to an all-new class series unique to it. These items are artifacts, so you may sell these items off for some coins if you are not fond of their Stats or Psynergy at first, and then be able to buy them back later. There are only three of these items, and each one is reached only through proper exploration and puzzle-solving in the dungeons they are found in. Each one of the classes series given by this items are considered Quadra-elemental as they are powered by the 4 elements.

The items in The Lost Age, in order of appearance, are:

Mysterious Card Mysterious Card: Changes class to Pierrot. Found in Kandorean Temple.
Trainers Whip Trainer's Whip: Changes class to Tamer. Found in Yampi Desert.
Tomegathericon Tomegathericon: Changes class to Dark Mage. Found in Gabomba Catacombs.
