Golden Sun Universe
Golden Sun Universe

The Dragon Scales are an Armor-class piece of armor found in Golden Sun and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. In Golden Sun, the Dragon Scales visually resemble gold plate mail. In Dark Dawn, the Dragon Scales now inherits the name "Dragon Mail" (despite that being a separate, weaker piece of armor that was featured in Golden Sun: The Lost Age), and its redesign into a green, scaly plate mail also closely resembles the Dragon Mail's icon from The Lost Age.

Basic Description by Game[]

The Dragon Scales increase base Defense by 44 points. It also increases the wearer's Mars and Mercury Resistance By 30. It can be sold for 12750 coins and subsequently rebought for 17000 coins.

In Golden Sun, it is found in a treasure chest in Venus Lighthouse, in a room hidden behind a wall of falling sand. The Dragon Scales can be equipped by Isaac and Garet. If transferred to The Lost AgeFelix and Piers can also equip the Dragon Scales. In Dark Dawn, the Dragon Scales are found in a treasure chest located in Warrior's Hill on Harun Island. The Dragon Scales can be equipped by MatthewTyrell, and Eoleo.


The Dragon Scales are one of Golden Sun’s best pieces of bodywear, perhaps outdone by the Storm Gear, which has nearly identical characteristics but an additional 30 Jupiter resistance as well, offset by having two less defense. Garet may be the best Adept to wear it, while Isaac is better off with the Storm Gear.

In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, bringing a piece of Dragon Skin to Sunshine the Blacksmith in Yallam may net you a Dragon Mail, which has exactly the same traits as the Dragon Scales, but has only 15 Resistance to Mars and Mercury. This inferiority may be surprising, but it means that carrying over the Dragon Scales from the first game to the second is a direct bonus of using a full Password Data Transfer between games.

In Dark Dawn, the Dragon Scales are are good upgrade for the any of the warrior-style Adepts. However, Eoleo in particular will benefit. Warrior's Hill is generally one of the first areas explored after he joins the party, and the Dragon Scales are much stronger than any armor the player could buy for him at this point.

Body Armor in Golden Sun
Leather ArmorPsynergy ArmorChain MailArmored ShellSpirit ArmorPlate MailSteel ArmorSpiked ArmorAsura's ArmorDragon ScalesDemon Mail
Body Armor in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Leather ArmorPsynergy ArmorIxion MailChain MailArmored ShellPlate MailPlanet ArmorSteel ArmorPhantasmal MailErebus ArmorDragon MailChronos MailStealth ArmorXylion ArmorValkyrie Mail
Body Armor in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Leather ArmorPsynergy ArmorIxion MailChain MailArmored ShellPlate MailPlanet ArmorSteel ArmorChronos MailSpiked ArmorAsura's ArmorDragon MailDemon MailXylion ArmorValkyrie Mail