The Fairy Ring is a Ring-class piece of equipment found in Golden Sun. It is found in a treasure chest in the third floor of the optional dungeon, Crossbone Isle. Its buy value is 2900 coins and its sell value is 2175, its sell value while broken is 1450, and its repair value is 725.
The Fairy Ring does not provide any statistics boosts while equipped. Rather, it is Used as an item by an Adept able to equip it in battle (but it does not actually have to be equipped, needing only be in that Adept's inventory) to emulate the Restore Psynergy and cure an Adept in battle of the Sleep, Stun, Delusion, and Death Curse effects, which is actually a little more usable than an Elixir (which doesn't cure Death Curse).
Placing this in the inventory of an Adept effectively grants that Adept the Restore Psynergy if that Adept does not already have the Psynergy. Whether this Ring is useful depends on whether the player places value in having multiple Adepts have access to Restore, which can cure all temporary status conditions from a targeted Adept. Of course, like with all items with Use effects, since it does not have to be equipped in place of anything else that provides something else that's more useful, it can remain in the party's inventory relatively harmlessly throughout a game.
Rings in Golden Sun | |
Healing Ring • Unicorn Ring • Sleep Ring • War Ring • Fairy Ring • Adept Ring • Cleric's Ring | |
Rings in Golden Sun: The Lost Age | |
Healing Ring • Unicorn Ring • Sleep Ring • Guardian Ring • Stardust Ring • War Ring • Adept Ring • Spirit Ring • Golden Ring • Rainbow Ring • Soul Ring • Aroma Ring | |
Rings in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn | |
Zol Ring • Lady Moon's Ring • Lord Sun's Ring • Heirloom Ring • Cleric's Ring |