Golden Sun Universe

Gaia's Axe is an Axe-class weapon found in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. It is acquired by bringing a Golem Core item to Sunshine the blacksmith in Yallam so that he may randomly forge it into this or several other items that you then may buy.

Basic Description[]

Being an axe, it can be equipped by Isaac, Felix, Garet, and Piers. Its Buy value (and thus its price for forging) is 16,400 while its sell value is 12,300.

The Gaia's Axe increases the wielder's base Attack rating by 163, and this weapon is especially notable for being one where standard attacks are based on the Venus element (the damage done is affected by how the wielder's Venus power compares to the target's Venus resistance). Its Unleash effect is Mother Earth, unleashing at the standard rate of 35% of the time, which adds 59 points of damage before modifying damage based on the Venus element, and then has a chance to inflict Sleep on the opponent. The Unleash visually resembles the Adept attacking the target and a brown rocky boulder appears from off-screen from the upper-right to smash into the target and shatter.


It should be noted that the Gaia's Axe is one of three possible weapons that can be forged from a Golem Core, all of them having a Venus-based Unleash effect, with the other two being the Huge Sword and the Tungsten Mace. It is worth comparing the three: The Gaia's Axe is generally marginally more damaging than the other two, and its effect may put the target to Sleep, which is useful. The Huge Sword is another pure-element weapon artifact of the Venus element, and its Unleash can lower the target's Defense by 25%. The Tungsten Mace is a weapon artifact that can be equipped by more Adepts (Sheba and Mia in addition to the four warrior-style Adepts), and while having the same power levels as the Huge Sword its Unleash sometimes ignores half the target's Defense rating to increase damage somewhat substantially. All three of these weapons are solid and viable for use by the two Venus Adept warriors prior to the best weapons available in the endgame, especially if Isaac does not join up with the Gaia Blade in his possession, so deciding between the three weapons is mostly a matter of taste.

Axes in Golden Sun
Battle AxeBroad AxeVulcan AxeGreat AxeBurning AxeDragon AxeGiant AxeDemon Axe
Axes in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Themis' AxeDisk AxeCaptain's AxeTartarus AxeViking AxeMighty AxeApollo's AxeGaia's AxeStellar Axe
Axes in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Battle AxeBroad AxeThemis' AxeVulcan AxeGreat AxeDragon AxeGiant AxeHerculean Axe