Golden Sun Universe

Gloria Helm is a Helm found in Golden Sun: The Lost Age and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. In every game it appears in, it has the second highest defensive rating of all available headgear, with only the Demon Circlet (which is cursed) being stronger.

Basic Description by Game[]

A Gloria Helm increases the wearer's defense by 49 points. Also, the wearer recovers 10 HP each turn, greatly increasing their chances of survival. The Gloria Helm can be bought for 13800 coins and sold for 10350 coins.

In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, Gloria Helms are acquired as rare monster drops from the Aka Manahs found in Mars Lighthouse. If the Aka Manah is felled using an offensive Mars Djinni, the chances of a drop increase by 4. In The Lost Age, the Gloria Helm can be equipped by IsaacFelixGaret, and Piers.

In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Gloria Helms are rarely dropped by Fury Demons at Apollo Ascent. The player can increase the chances of a drop by felling the Fury Demon with an offensive Jupiter Djinni. The Gloria Helm can be equipped by MatthewTyrell, and Eoleo.


In each game it appears in, the Gloria Helm is one of the best pieces of armor available, considering its high defensive rating and HP recovery rate. In The Lost Age, the only other equipment available to the Adepts listed above that automatically recovers HP is the Erebus Armor, which only restores 6 HP per turn. However, the Erebus Armor may be considered more valuable by some players as there are several Crowns that automatically recover PP, but there are no pieces of Armor or Clothing that do the same. Regardless of a player's preference, multiple Gloria Helms and Erebus Armors can be obtained, further increasing their value.

In Dark Dawn, the Gloria Helm is the only headgear that automatically regenerates HP, making it much more valuable. In addition, only one piece of armor that can regenerate HP is available to Matthew, Tyrell, and Eoleo: Asura's Armor. Since only one Asura's Armor is available, this makes the Gloria Helm the only gear available to warrior-style Adepts of which multiple copies can be obtained. Thus, gaining a Gloria Helm for each Adept is an excellent idea. However, gaining multiple copies may take time, as Dark Dawn has no known RNG methods, causing a monster drop to be an element of chance.

Getting the Gloria Helm[]

Due to the high utility of the Gloria Helm it remains a coveted item in terms of endgame equipment, however, the low drop rate even the usage of offensive Mars Djinni can prove daunting. One possible solution is through the usage of RNG manipulation such as the setup detailed below.

As a background set of rules applying to both this and any RNG Manipulation setup

-All 4 characters should be in their base class (all Djinn of their own innate element), or the Djinn unleash might not net you the item.
-Make sure none of your party members are afflicted by any status ailments, including haunt, poison and curses. Do not wear any cursed equipment.
-The accompanying enemy must not die until you are ready to do the Djinn unleash. The enemy whose item you want to get must not die until the Djinn unleash. Whatever happens after the Djinn kills the enemy does not matter, so long as you win the battle.

After having gotten the Mars Star use Retreat to return to the entrance of the lighthouse then progress up the Mars Lighthouse until you reach the room with the dragon's head and four symbols on the wall which have doors appear once you walk near them. Enter any one of these sections, then when you reach an outdoor section where you see the snow is falling you have reached the desired area for the setup. Before anything else, your party should be set up as such that the attack order is like so from first to last.

Sheba, Felix, Jenna, Piers

If the order (as determined by the highest Speed stat) is not this then possibly equip or remove pieces of speed altering gear like the Running Shirt, Quick Boots, or Feathered Robe obtainable elsewhere to get the desired attack order. Once this is done save the game then hard reset the console. Once the console is restarted continue from the saved file and run around in the snowy room until an enemy appears. If the first enemy is not an Aka Manah alongside another monster hard reset the game and try again until an applicable encounter occurs (this must be the first encounter since continuing). From then on follow the specfic setup below:

Round One:

Felix: Earthquake, Big arrow on Aka Manah.

Jenna: Cycle Beam, Big arrow on Aka Manah.

Sheba: Whirlwind, Big arrow on Aka Manah.

Piers: Tundra, Big arrow on Aka Manah.

Round Two:

Felix: Earthquake, Big arrow on Aka Manah.

Jenna: Unleash Fury on Aka Manah. This should fell the Aka Manah.

Sheba: Whirlwind, Big arrow on Aka Manah.

Piers: Attack the other enemy. This should fell the other enemy.

This should give you a Gloria Helm.

Helms in Golden Sun
Open HelmBronze HelmIron HelmSteel HelmAdept's HelmSilver HelmKnight's HelmWarrior's Helm
Helms in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Open HelmBronze HelmIron HelmSteel HelmSilver HelmViking HelmKnight's HelmMinerva HelmDragon HelmMillenium HelmMythril HelmFear HelmGloria Helm
Helms in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Open HelmBronze HelmIron HelmSteel HelmSilver HelmViking HelmKnight's HelmMinerva HelmWarrior's HelmGloria Helm