Golden Sun Universe
Golden Sun Universe

The Glower Staff is a Staff-class weapon found in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. It is found as a rusty item in a chest in the Shrine of the Sea God dungeon, and it must be brought to Sunshine the blacksmith in Yallam for him to reforge and for you to buy from him afterwards. Being a Staff, it can be equipped by Ivan, Mia, Jenna, and Sheba. Its buy value is 10100 coins and its sell value is 7575.

The Glower Staff increases the wielder's base Attack rating by 126. Its Unleash effect is Flash Force, which is effectively a standard physical attack that adds 44 damage points and then modifies the resulting damage based on the user's Mercury power and the target's Mercury resistance. It may also seal the target's Psynergy. Flash Force visually resembles the user attacking the target and a colossal, rotating, light-blue holographic image of the Psynergy Seal symbol emerging and dissipating.

The Glower Staff can be quite strong, since it can be found in a dungeon that can be completed as soon as the Great Eastern Sea segment of the game opens up. Its 126 attack boost can make it quite valuable for a while, considering that the highest-attack weapons findable prior to the boss battle with Poseidon, the Cloud Brand and Lightning Sword, have 130-134 attack. It has a slightly higher attack rating than the Demon Mace as well, and is almost as strong as the Dracomace. Ultimately, though, those other weapons would probably be better to have equipped once they are found, because the Glower Staff's Sealing Unleash effect isn't as useful in battles as other weapon unleashes' secondary effects.

Staffs in Golden Sun
Shaman's RodWooden StickMagic RodWitch's WandBlessed AnkhPsynergy RodFrost WandAngelic AnkhDemonic StaffZodiac WandCrystal Rod
Staves in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Shaman's RodWooden StickMagic RodWitch's WandBlessed AnkhPsynergy RodFrost WandStaff of AnubisCloud WandFireman's PoleGoblin's RodGlower StaffDracomaceMeditation RodSalamander RodNebula WandClotho's DistaffAtropos' RodLachesis' Rule
Staves in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Wooden StickMagic RodWitch's WandBlessed AnkhPsynergy RodFrost WandAngelic AnkhDemonic StaffZodiac WandCrystal RodClotho's DistaffAtropos' RodLachesis' Rule