Golden Sun Universe
Goma range

The Goma range.

Goma Range is a range of mountains in Angara at the time of Golden Sun and The Lost Age that divides the western plains region of the continent from the central and nothern plains regions.


In Golden Sun[]

The mountains can be crossed underneath by traveling through Goma Cave, a cavernous pathway that allows passage between towns like Vault and Lunpa and the town Bilibin deeper in Angara. Goma Cave is the primary feature Goma Range is known for.

In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn[]

In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, the Golden Sun event dramatically changes the landscape of Angara. The western plains are now rocky highlands [1][1], while the Goma Range has extended to cover much of the area. There are only two known passages through the range to other parts of Angara: a bridge at Carver's Camp and an underground cave at the Konpa Ruins, which splits into two entrances, north to Bilibin and south to Ei-Jei.
