Iodem waits for Isaac's party at Gondowan Passage, much to the discomfort of the guards stationed there.
The Gondowan Passage (ゴンドワナつうこうじょ Beginning Gondowan Passage) is a gate and drawbridge located at a river separating the continent of Angara's southernmost region from the continent of Gondowan and its northernmost areas. It is the only location that allows passage between the two continents. The Gondowan Passage is owned by Tolbi in Angara, and is hence manned by Tolbi's soldiers. Beyond the passage are the village of Suhalla and the town of Lalivero, the only known settlements in the northern parts of Gondowan.
In Golden Sun after the player completes Colosso, Iodem (Lord Babi's second-in-command) waits here for Isaac's party to come so they can go to Suhalla and Lalivero together. If Isaac returns to the passage before arriving at the Tunnel Ruins, Iodem will leave the party and resume waiting on the bridge. However a slightly humorous dialogue can occur if the player returns here after Iodem has left the party at the Ruins, the guards will not have changed their scripts, and will continue to complain about being discomforted by having Iodem nearby, even though he had long since departed.
Minor Locations in Golden Sun | |
Alpine Crossing • Bilibin Barricade • Gondowan Passage • Fuchin Temple • Kalay Docks • Kolima Bridge • Lama Temple • Tolbi Docks | |
Minor Locations in Golden Sun: The Lost Age | |
Ancient Lemuria • Atteka Inlet • E Tundaria Islet • East Indra Shore • Gondowan Settlement • Hesperia Settlement • Idejima • N Osenia Islet • Osenia Cliffs • SE Angara Islet • Sea of Time Islet • SW Atteka Islet • West Indra Islet
Summon Caverns: Angara Cavern • Atteka Cavern • Indra Cavern • Osenia Cavern | |
Minor Locations in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn | |
Konpa Gate • Clouds of Passaj • Saha Cistern • Kolima Junction • Iceburg Outpost
Summon Caverns: Carver's Lumberyard • Konpa Shrine • North Wall Shrine • Border Town Mine |