Apart from the ladder in the lower left (revealed through Cyclone) and a Lucky Medal in one of the graves, there is not much of interest in Gondowan Settlement.
Gondowan Settlement is a house and estate located near the western coast of Gondowan. The 3 people here are essentially meant to introduce the player to the relatively nearby dungeon to the east, Magma Rock, and state that an object named the Magma Ball can be found here.
There are 2 items to collect here as well: A Lucky Medal from one of the grave stones (the fact there's about 8 gravestones would indicate that this location really is meant to be a small "settlement" but is only represented as a single house in the actual game), and a Star Dust forgeable material in a chest in a hidden cave room underground. Cast Cyclone at the plants to the left to reveal the ladder to the room.
Lucky Medal: Found at the middle-right tombstone.
Star Dust: In the only chest of a hidden underground cave. The ladder to this cave is revealed by casting Cyclone on the far-left patch of grass.
Minor Locations in Golden Sun | |
Alpine Crossing • Bilibin Barricade • Gondowan Passage • Fuchin Temple • Kalay Docks • Kolima Bridge • Lama Temple • Tolbi Docks | |
Minor Locations in Golden Sun: The Lost Age | |
Ancient Lemuria • Atteka Inlet • E Tundaria Islet • East Indra Shore • Gondowan Settlement • Hesperia Settlement • Idejima • N Osenia Islet • Osenia Cliffs • SE Angara Islet • Sea of Time Islet • SW Atteka Islet • West Indra Islet
Summon Caverns: Angara Cavern • Atteka Cavern • Indra Cavern • Osenia Cavern | |
Minor Locations in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn | |
Konpa Gate • Clouds of Passaj • Saha Cistern • Kolima Junction • Iceburg Outpost
Summon Caverns: Carver's Lumberyard • Konpa Shrine • North Wall Shrine • Border Town Mine |