Golden Sun Universe

Water of Hermes The Water of Hermes is a rare item found at Mercury Lighthouse in Golden Sun. It requires the use of an Empty Bottle, found in a chest in the Old Couple's home in Imil, found near the entrance of the town.

Its primary use is to heal Tret, to allow him to remove the curse on the villagers of Kolima, and advance the story, opening up new areas.

Empty Bottle If used in or out of battle, this item restores one character to full HP, the same effect as a Potion. Once used, the player is left with an Empty Bottle, which can be sold or refilled. Hermes' Water's usefulness is somewhat limited, as the trip to the Imil region generally takes a long time and is a dead-end; common Potions and Vials function practically the same way. In the end, it is always good to refill the bottle when the opportunity arises, as it is an unlimited, free supply anyway.

Being Artifacts, both the Water of Hermes and the Empty Bottle can be sold and later repurchased. The Water of Hermes can be bought for 2000 coins and sold for 1500 coins. The Empty Bottle can be bought for 1000 coins and sold for 750 coins.

Hermes' Water returns in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn as an important item given by Briggs at Port Rago after it had been given to him by Piers. Since the Imil region cannot be accessed in Dark Dawn, it would be impossible to refill the bottle, so logically you cannot use it on your party. It is used in Kolima Village to heal the sick Dream Tree, which makes Pewter appear and makes Kolima Forest explorable.

Cultural Allusions[]

Origin: Greece

In Greek mythology, Hermes is, among other things, the god of invention and commerce and often serves as the messenger of the gods. His Roman equivalent is Mercury. Hermes also serves as the god of boundaries. His primary purpose in Greek and Roman mythology (other than serving as Zeus's personal messenger) was to lead the deceased through the boundary of life and death, bringing them to the river of the dead. The staff he carries, the caduceus, was an object of healing. Our modern symbol for hospitals and ambulances is a depiction of this object.
