Golden Sun Universe

Hesperia Settlement is a "house" of sorts constructed into a hill at the southwestern tip of Hesperia, and is an explorable location in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. It is inhabited by a nuclear family of three, who essentially inform the player about how Shaman Village (also in Hesperia) can only be reached by crossing through a certain cave, and how the people there are borderline xenophobic due to a terrible massacre they once suffered at the hands of foreigners. 

Hesperia Settlement is not a major town or city of the game, but is home to the mars djinni, Tinder.


The most noteworthy feature of the Hesperia Settlement is the Mars Djinni Tinder

Hesperia Settlement - Map Location

Location of the settlement


Mars djinn Tinder: Located on a ledge that is accessed by using Growth to reach the crate atop the cliff, which once pushed off the leftmost edge and Moved once space right, will serve as a platform enabling the player to acquire the Djinni.

Coin Also within this settlement is a chest containing 166 coins.

Minor Locations in Golden Sun
Alpine CrossingBilibin BarricadeGondowan PassageFuchin TempleKalay DocksKolima BridgeLama TempleTolbi Docks
Minor Locations in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Ancient LemuriaAtteka InletE Tundaria IsletEast Indra ShoreGondowan SettlementHesperia SettlementIdejimaN Osenia IsletOsenia CliffsSE Angara IsletSea of Time IsletSW Atteka IsletWest Indra Islet

Summon Caverns: Angara CavernAtteka CavernIndra CavernOsenia Cavern

Minor Locations in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Konpa GateClouds of PassajSaha CisternKolima JunctionIceburg Outpost

Summon Caverns: Carver's LumberyardKonpa ShrineNorth Wall ShrineBorder Town Mine
