Golden Sun Universe

Jeweled Crown is a Crown-class head armor found throughout the Golden Sun series.

Basic Description by Game[]

The Jeweled Crown increases the wearer's base defense by 35, and it increases base Luck by 5. It can be bought for 4000 coins and sold for 3000.

The Jeweled Crown is bought as an artifact at the armor vendor in Lalivero in Golden Sun and the armor vendor at Contigo in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, it is sold in Harun Village. In the first two games, the Jeweled Crown can be equipped by all Adepts. In Dark Dawn however, the crown is limited to female Adepts, namely KarisSveta, and Himi.


It is often present on the party by the end of Golden Sun because of both a strong defense rating and a usefully high boost to Luck, but you would have to consider carefully whether to equip this in place of the following headwear: Warrior's HelmThunder CrownLucky Cap, and Mythril Circlet.

In The Lost Age, though, it's highly likely this will not be as good as what you might be wearing when the Jeweled Crown is first available when the Great Eastern Sea opens up, because it is noticeably inferior to two separate types of headgear winnable in multiples in Lemuria's Lucky Medal Fountain earlier, Minerva Helm and Crown of Glory. The Jeweled Crown from the first game might be equipped on one of the adepts in the first game's party when they join due to Password data transfer, and while it would suffice as a starter piece of gear, clearly superior and easily obtainable alternatives exist to replace it with, like the aforementioned helms.

In Dark Dawn, the Jeweled Crown can be an immediate upgrade to whatever headwear Sveta may possess, and would serve as a placeholder until the player acquires the Umbra Cowl. Alternatively, the Jeweled Crown could be given to either Himi or Karis. In any case, the Jeweled Crown is only a placeholder for the stronger headwear available to the player throughout the Great Eastern Sea.

Basic Headgear in Golden Sun
Leather CapWooden CapMail CapNinja HoodLure CapJeweled CrownProphet's HatLucky CapThunder Crown
Basic Headgear in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Leather CapWooden CapNurse's CapMail CapThorn CrownOtafuku MaskJeweled CrownProphet's HatFloating HatHiotoko MaskCrown of GloryAlastor's Hood

Basic Headgear in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

Leather CapWooden CapNurse's CapMail CapLure CapJeweled CrownProphet's HatLucky CapUmbra CowlThunder CrownAlastor's Hood