Juggle, Heat Juggle, and Fiery Juggle are a series of Mars attack Psynergy that are only available to the Pierrot class series. Because this class series is obtained through use of the Mysterious Card, any character can use an attack from this Psynergy series. Since it requires the Mysterious Card, it is only available in Golden Sun: The Lost Age.

Psynergy spells[]
Juggle: "Skillfully toss balls of flame." This costs 7 Psynergy Points, has a base power of 40, and has a range of three targets. Three balls of fire spin around and then hit the enemy. It is available at level 5.
Heat Juggle: "Skillfully toss balls of flame." This costs 13 Psynergy Points, has a base power of 75, and has a range of five targets. Five balls of fire appear spin around and then crash into the enemy. It is available at level 17.
Fiery Juggle: "Skillfully toss balls of flame." This costs 25 Psynergy Points, has a base power of 150, and has a range of five targets. Seven balls of fire appear spin around and then hit the enemy. It is available at level 37.
As the party gains access to the Mysterious Card at a very early point in the game, Juggle is available basically for the whole game. This means that when the player sees a useful point for Mars Psynergy, the Juggle series will generally be a useful choice, as it is quite powerful, being roughly equivalent to the Beam Psynergy series, but available at a lower level. The biggest drawback when compared to Beam is the fact that the Pierrot class has an abnormally low PP cap, thus although Juggle is the cheaper of the two series, it will probably consume more of the Adept's PP meter. Nevertheless, against monsters such as the Chestbeater trio, this Psynergy is undeniably practical.
Elemental Power . |
Beam series • Blast (Fiery) series • Blast (Nova) series • Dragon Cloud / Epicenter
• Fire series • Fire Breath • Fire Bomb series • Fire Dragon • Flame Card • Flare series • Fume series • Juggle series • Lava Shower series • Raging Heat series • Salamander set • Volcano series • Wyvern |
Phys. Attack |
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