Golden Sun Universe
Golden Sun Universe

Knight's Helm is a Helm-class headwear available throughout the Golden Sun series.

Basic Description by Game[]

A Knight's Helm increases the wearer's base Defense by 33 points. As a common item, it can be bought repeatedly from Vendors for 4600 coins each and sold for 3450 coins each.

In Golden Sun, it is sold in Lalivero and can be equipped by Isaac and Garet.

In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, it is sold in Contigo, and can be equipped by Felix and Piers.

In Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, it is sold in Harun VillageYamata City, and Champa Camp, and can be equipped by MatthewTyrell, and Eoleo.


In Golden Sun, the Knights Helm is generally outclassed by two stronger headwear Artifacts available when in Lalivero: the Warrior's Helm and the Jeweled Crown. The Warrior's Helm is especially notable as the single best headwear for Isaac in the game. When considering the other equipment artifacts found beforehand, such as the Lucky Cap, there seems to be no room for the Knight's Helm to be truly useful if the game has been perfectly played up to this point.

In Golden Sun: The Lost Age, the Knight's Helm's usefulness is practically nullified because it is sold so late in the game in Contigo, long after Felix's party has amassed much stronger equipment, such as Minerva Helms from the Lucky Medal minigame in Lemuria and the many possible strong Helm artifacts that can be forged at the blacksmith in Yallam. However, if this game is being played without any data transfer or with a Password that's either Bronze or Silver-level, when Isaac's party joins Felix's, Isaac and Garet will both be equipped with Knight's Helms, which are of course far inferior to the equipment Felix's party will surely have amassed by that point, so their Knight's Helms should be replaced as soon as possible.

In Dark Dawn, the Knight's Helm is largely outclassed due to its late availability. It is only available after the player gains the Sailing Ship; by that time, the player will already have access to several strong Artifacts. The only potential use for the Knight's Helm may be as a placeholder for Eoleo, who initially joins with no headwear whatsoever. Should the player wish, the Knight's Helm can function as a possible choice until the player acquires a stronger piece of equipment. However, the wide availability of Artifacts and forgeable armor may mean that the Knight's Helm is not even needed for this purpose.

Helms in Golden Sun
Open HelmBronze HelmIron HelmSteel HelmAdept's HelmSilver HelmKnight's HelmWarrior's Helm
Helms in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Open HelmBronze HelmIron HelmSteel HelmSilver HelmViking HelmKnight's HelmMinerva HelmDragon HelmMillenium HelmMythril HelmFear HelmGloria Helm
Helms in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Open HelmBronze HelmIron HelmSteel HelmSilver HelmViking HelmKnight's HelmMinerva HelmWarrior's HelmGloria Helm