Golden Sun Universe

A village where you go get one of the band members to play Arangoa Prelude. It is the village that sells the Dream Leaf (after completing the Phantasmal Bog) is needed to get the summon Haures in Border Town. The Venus Djinni Garland is located in one of the branches.

The village's inn costs 16 coins per adept.


  • 21 Coins: In a crate at the top right.
  • Bramble Seed: In a barrel on the left of the top right tree house.
  • 33 Coins: In a pot on the first floor of the top right tree house.
  • Herb: In a pot near the bottom right tree house.
  • Apple: In the chest in the bottom right tree house.
  • Bramble Seed: In a pot in the back of the bottom right tree house.
  • Elixir: In a barrel in the back of the bottom right tree house.
  • Sun Saga 5: In a bookshelf on the second floor of the bottom right tree house.
  • Weasel's Claw: In a crate to the left of the village.
  • Oil Drop: In a pot on the first floor of the middle tree house.
  • Sacred Feather: In a barrel to the left of the Inn.
  • 777 Coins: In a chest at the bottom right of the branches.
  • Safety Boots: In a chest at the top left of the branches.
  • Ninja Garb: In the wardrobe on the top floor of the inn. Accessible after you restore the Dream Tree.
  • Virtuous Armlet: In a chest a the top left of the branches. Accessible through the inn.


Garland: In the middle of the branches.
