This is a list of all 18 Mercury Djinn in Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Their statistic boosts, individual effects, and locations are provided. For summon sequences, see List of Summon sequences.
Mercury Djinn in Golden Sun[]
Name | Statistics change when set | Action when used in battle | Location |
Fizz | HP +9 PP +4 Defense +3 |
Restores a targeted party member's HP meter by 60% of their maximum HP meter. | Already in Mia’s possession when she joins your party in Mercury Lighthouse. |
Sleet | HP +12 Attack +3 Luck +1 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 30 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that the target's Attack rating will be lowered by 25%. | Fought and earned in Mercury Lighthouse, in a secret, hidden room accessible from a hallway with many waterfall walls you ordinarily walk past. To enter the room, you must press up against the center of the correct waterfall wall; might as well press up against every waterfall wall in the dungeon to ensure you don't miss Sleet.
And You can found in Prox (golden sun 2 : the lost age), in the Puelle's house. |
Mist (Djinni) | HP +11 Attack +4 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack 130% of the power of the user's normal physical attack, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Sleep status condition. | Acquired in Xian; you must talk to a woman patrolling in the northeastern part of town so that she drops a bucket of water and creates a Frost-able puddle on the ground. Time your talk when she is one tile away from the brown door to the right so that the puddle may be close enough that its ice pillar serves as a stepping stone to Mist's elevated position. |
Spritz | HP +8 PP +4 Agility +3 |
Restores all currently active party members' HP meters by 30% of their respective maximum HP meters. | Fought and earned in the bottom quadrant of Altin Peak, in a room where a mine cart track's direction at a fork must be redirected and a mine cart must be ridden in order to get to the Djinni's elevated position. |
Hail | HP +9 Attack +4 Luck +1 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 40 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that the target's Defense rating will be lowered by 25%. | Fought and earned by random overworld monster encounter in Gondowan, in the forested stretch of area southwest of Altmiller Cave and separated from the rest of the explorable area by a river. |
Tonic | HP +8 PP +3 Defense +2 Luck +2 |
Heals all status ailments from all currently active party members. | Acquired in the optional Lunpa Fortress only after defeating Toadonpa, bringing Hammet back out to Kalay, and reentering Lunpa Fortress later. Sneak back to Donpa's room and in a cutscene he will allow you access to a neighboring room where Tonic waits to be collected. |
Dew | HP +13 PP +4 Agility +4 |
Targeted downed ally has an 80% chance to be revived and their HP meter restored to 80% of their maximum HP meter. | Fought and earned in the third screen of Suhalla Gate; to reach its elevated position at the bottom of a cliff, drop down the third cliff slide from the left. |
Mercury Djinn in The Lost Age[]
Name | Statistics change when set | Action when used in battle | Location |
Fog | HP +9 Defense +2 Agility +2 Luck +1 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 30 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Delusion status condition. | Fought and earned in the cavernous dungeon portion of Kandorean Temple; to reach it, attain the Lash Psynergy at the temple’s end from Master Poi, then backtrack whence you came a short ways to where you can use on the coiled rope to climb up to the Djinni's elevated position. |
Sour | HP +8 PP +4 Attack +3 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack 150% of the power of the user's normal physical attack, and there is a chance that each of the target's Resistances will be lowered by 40. | Fought and earned by random overworld monster encounter in Osenia, in the region of plains northeast of Mikasalla and south of Osenia Cavern. |
Spring | HP +11 PP +5 |
Restores a targeted party member's HP meter by 70% of their maximum HP meter. | Already in Piers’ possession when he joins your party in Kibombo. |
Shade | HP +9 Defense +3 Luck +2 |
Decreases all damage done to all party members by 60% for the current turn. Acts with increased priority. | Already in Piers’ possession when he joins your party in Kibombo. |
Chill | HP +10 PP +3 Defense +2 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 40 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that the target's Defense rating will be lowered by 25%. | Fought and earned by random overworld monster encounter in lower Gondowan, in the bottom part of the central forested stretch of land area south of Naribwe. |
Steam | HP +10 Attack +5 |
Increases all currently active party members' Resistance ratings by 40 each. | Fought and earned in the interior of Aqua Rock; to reach it, acquire the dungeon’s Parch Psynergy, and use it on the top of the water source of the Moai statue spouting water from behind the Djinni to remove what prevents you from reaching Steam's position. |
Rime | HP +10 PP +6 |
Seals the target's Psynergy with full accuracy. | Acquired in Ancient Lemuria, the area in Lemuria reached by using the Grind Psynergy. At the farthest point to the lower left of the area, use the Cyclone Psynergy on the lone plant patch to make Rime jump into a lone statue to the center, then use the Tremor Psynergy in front of the now-shaking statue to draw it out. |
Gel | HP +9 Attack +5 Agility +2 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack 150% of the power of the user's normal physical attack, and there is a chance that the target's Attack rating will be lowered by 25%. | Acquired in Kalt Island. Slide around the ice pillar to the left, then climb clockwise to Gel's position with the help of the Lash Psynergy. |
Eddy | HP +9 Agility +3 Luck +2 |
Instantly forwards the turn timer for Djinn currently in Recovery mode by one measure, thus recovering any Djinn that would otherwise have recovered at the end of the turn. The Djinn that would have recovered at the end of the next turn otherwise will now recover at the end of this turn, and so on. | Fought and earned in the main, large area of the Shaman Village Cave, where there are several elevated portions and several Liftable boulders between each portion. Several configurations of which boulders are Lifted and which are not are viable solutions for acquiring Eddy. |
Balm | HP +13 PP +4 |
All currently downed party members in the present party have a 60% chance to be revived and their HP meters be restored to 60% of their respective maximum HP meters. | Fought and earned in Mars Lighthouse, in a large room with a slippery ice floor. To even get to it and to the end of the room, the statue to your left where you enter the room must be slid left with the Move Psynergy. Then slide down, left, down, left, up, right, up, left, down, left, and down to get to Balm's position. |
Serac | HP +12 Attack +3 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 70 damage points added to the result, unless its chance to instantly down the target triggers. | Fought and earned in the long series of hallways in the later portion of Islet Cave accessible only with the Teleport Psynergy found at Mars Lighthouse. In front of a visibly shaking elevated statue to the left, cast the Tremor Psynergy at it to make Serac appear and be interacted with. |

Missing a Mercury Djinni from the first game? One can be found again here in Prox.
In addition, one Mercury Djinni can be found in an extra location in The Lost Age depending on whether you're not in possession of one or more of the original Golden Sun's Mercury Djinn. If Isaac's party joins Felix's party after the reunion not carrying all seven of the first game's Mercury Djinn, then one of the missing Mercury Djinn will be available to collect in the pictured area inside the lone house in northern Prox. This can essentially be viewed as a "last chance" or "make-up" Mercury Djinni for if you're playing The Lost Age without cross-game data transfer or with data-transfer from a completed Golden Sun game file in which the party did not collect all seven of the original Mercury Djinn.
Mercury Djinn in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn[]
Name | Statistics change when set | Action when used in battle | Location |
Chill | HP +10 PP +3 Defense +2 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with 40 additional damage, along with the chance that the target's defense may be lowered by 25% (to a maximum of 50%) | Found in Carver's Camp, by casting Growth on the plant below the broken bridge. |
Sleet | HP +12 Attack +3 Luck +1 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 30 damage points added to the result, along with thechance that the target's Attack rating will be lowered by 25%. | Already in Rief's possession when he joins your party in Konpa Cave. |
Surge | HP +11 Agility +3 Luck +2 |
Restores all currently active party members' HP meters by 30% of their respective maximum HP meters. | Found in Barai Temple, where you will be instructed to use Fireball on it. |
[[Mist (Djinni)|Mist]] | HP +11 Attack +4 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack with 130% of the power of the user's normal physical attack, and there is a chance that the target will be put to sleep. | Already in Amiti's possession when he joins your party in Ayuthay. |
Mellow | HP +11 Defense +1 Agility +2 |
Increases Party's Resistance by 40. | Already in Amiti's possession when he joins your party in Ayuthay. |
Claw | HP +8 PP +2 Attack +3 Agility +2 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack with a damage modifier of x1.5, along with the chance that the target's resistances may be lowered by 40. | Already in Amiti's possession when he joins your party in Ayuthay. |
Serac | HP +12 Attack +3 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 70 damage added to the result. However, the enemy can also be instantly downed as well. | Found in Harapa Ruins. |
Dewdrop | HP +8 PP +4 Attack +3 |
Heals all status ailments from all currently active party members. | Found in the icy exterior screen of Teppe Ruins, you will need to buy the Trusty Staff at Te Rya Village and give it to the fisherman here. |
Torrent | HP +9 Attack +4 Luck +1 |
Doubles all currently active party members' Agility ratings for a period og time. | Found in the upper right port area of Belinsk |
Coral | HP +8 PP +4 Defense +2 |
Restores all currently active party members' HP meters by 50% of their respective maximum HP meters. | Found in an underground part of Port Rago that is accessed while the water level with the ship in it has been lowered. |
Spout | HP +9 Defense +2 Agility +2 Luck +1 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack with an addition of +80, along with a chance of Deluding the enemy. | Found in the part of Belinsk Ruins that can be accessed long before the real dungeon is traversed. |
Teardrop | HP +9 PP +4 Agility +2 Luck +1 |
Revives downed ally, brings their HP up to 60% health (60% chance of revival) | Behind a waterfall at Kolima Junction. |
Pincer | HP +9 PP +3 Attack +4 Defense +3 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack with an extra 60 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that each of the target's Resistance will be lowered by 40. | Before permanently leaving Belinsk, go into the residence to the left of the center town square and talk to the old people so that a puddle appears in a kitchen, which you can freeze with Cold Snap to reach the Mercury Djinni in the structure above. |
Spring | HP +11 PP +5 |
Restores a targeted party member's HP meter by 70% of their maximum HP meter. | Found in a small cavernous part of Harun Village. |
Foam | HP +10 PP +3 Defense +2 |
Halves all enemies' agility. | Fought and earned by random overworld monster encounter southwest of Tonfon in a forested area under some mountains in the darkness. |
Rime | HP +10 PP +6 |
Seals the target's Psynergy (100% chance). | Found at Iceberg Outpost. |
Geyser | HP +10 Attack +3 Luck +3 |
Deals a Mercury-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 50 damage points added to the result. There is also a chance that the target may be forced out of the battle, denying its EXP, drop and coin rewards to the party. | Found at Snowdrift Shrine |
Shell | HP +12 Defense +3 Agility +4 |
Decreases all damage done to all party members by 60% for the current turn. Acts with increased priority. | Found at Gaia Falls Islet by using Grip |
Mercury Djinn of note[]
- Sour and Gel are the offensive Mercury Djinn with the highest damage multiplier rating, sharing a value that comes close to the damage multiplier of the Venus Djinn Flint and Echo. They also have secondary effects that may lower an aspect of the struck target's statistics - either their resistances or their attack rating, respectively. This makes these two among the premier offensive Mercury Djinn.
- Serac is another contender for the title of premier offensive Mercury Djinni, boasting practically the highest added damage value of all offensive Djinn (only the Venus Djinni Mold has a higher added damage value), which makes the damaging aspect of its attack a very solid consolation for whenever its secondary effect - instant death - does not kick in.
- Shade is very often used throughout The Lost Age for reliably reducing to 3/5ths all damage the party sustains in a given turn, which makes it a better version of the already useful Venus Djinni Granite. It is still useable in the endgame despite it having a superior counterpart in the Mars Djinni Flash, counted as perhaps the best Djinni in the game.
- Tonic and its identical counterpart the Venus Djinni Salt share the only effect the party has to heal the entire current battling party of all their status conditions, including the ones like Haunt that is normally only removable at a Sanctum.
- Steam and its identical counterpart the Jupiter Djinni Breeze share the only effect the party has that is equivalent to two stacked-up uses of the Resist Psynergy at once.
- Rime and its identical counterpart the Jupiter Djinni Luff share the only effect the party has that is the Bind Psynergy but fully accurate. While there are very few, if any, cases where sealing an enemy or boss' Psynergy will be meaningfully helpful, it should always be kept in mind that Rime and Luff instantly and completely obsolete Bind.
- Eddy has the unique effect of causing two turns worth of Djinn recovery to play out over the one turn Eddy is used. Situationally, this is very useful for a party that has just unleashed a salvo of full-powered summons to get back into statistically better classes that much quicker.
- Balm is the one reviving Djinni that may differentiate itself from the various other reviving Djinn that focus on reviving single Adepts at a time, with the best of that variety being the Mars Djinni Tinder; Balm, in contrast, has a chance to revive each of the user's other three allies, if they all happen to be downed together at the same time, to 60% of their health. Its effect is both very situationally and somewhat unreliable, but it is there nonetheless.
Mercury |
Monster Lines in the Golden Sun series | |
Aka Manah • Amaze • Angle Worm • Ant Lion • Ape • Assassin • Avimander • Ball • Bat • Blue Dragon • Chestbeater • Chimera • Conch Shell • Colosso Gladiator • Cuttle • Demon • Dino • Dirge • Doomsayer • Dread Hound • Drone Bee • Emu • Flame Dragon • Gargoyle • Ghost • Ghost Army • Ghoul • Gnome • Golem • Gressil • Grub • Gryphon • Harpy • Hobgoblin • Hydra • Kobold • Living Armor • Living Statue • Lizard Man • Manticore • Mauler • Merman • Mini-Goblin • Minotaurus • Mole • Momonga • Mummy • Mushroom • Orc • Phoenix • Pixie • Punch Ant • Rat • Rat Soldier • Roc • Ruffian • Salamander • Scorpion • Sea Dragon • Seabird • Siren • Skeleton • Slime • Spider • Stone Soldier • Thief • Toad • Tornado Lizard • Troll • Urchin • Vermin • Wild Wolf • Will Head • Wolfkin • Wood Walker • Wyvern • Wyvern Chick • Zombie | |
Recurring single monsters | |
Jupiter Djinni • Mad Plant • Mars Djinni • Mercury Djinni • Mimic • Venus Djinni |