Golden Sun Universe
Golden Sun Universe

Weapons in the Golden Sun series belong to multiple classes which distinguish themselves by which individual Adepts can equip them and how the weapons appear in the hands of Adepts during battle sequences. The weapons listed here belong to the Staff and Ankh classes of weapons. Although they are technically separate weapon types, Staffs and Ankhs are closely related; in fact, all Ankhs are referred to as Staffs in-game, likely due to how few in number they are.

Prior to the third installment in the series, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, the only noticeable difference between Staffs and Ankhs were their appearance in battle, making them effectively identical. During this era, Staffs and Ankhs could only be equipped by "mage-style" Adepts: Ivan and Mia in the first game, plus Jenna and Sheba in the second gameDark Dawn helps differentiate between Staffs and Ankhs by 1) giving them separate "Unleash experience gauges", and 2) making Ankhs exclusive to the less combat-oriented mage Adepts. As a result, Karis and Amiti can only equip Staffs, while Rief and Himi can wield both Staffs and Ankhs. Despite this newfound differentiation, there are still enough similarities between the two that Ankhs are treated more as a sub-set of Staffs rather than their own type of weapon.

All weapons that are counted as "common weapons" are weapons that can be bought in unlimited quantities in a weapon vendor's Buy menu and are sold without event. All weapons that are counted as Artifacts are special, stronger weapons that do not appear in the Buy menu. These are bought and sold individually and usually are unique, and if one appears in the Artifacts menu of a town's vendor that one weapon can be bought by itself and then be sold by itself anytime afterward to reappear in the Artifacts menu. The vendor shopkeeper will specifically remark about how rare a find your Artifact is whenever you specifically sell one.

The prices the games assign to each weapon are quite reliable indicators of how good each weapon is as they measure against each other in actual battle, in most cases. A weapon that is priced higher than another is generally superior to that other weapon even if the other weapon has a higher physical attack rating than the more expensive weapon. Therefore, the following weapons are all arranged by price. Also, they are divided into groups based on what game they first appear in. Keep in mind that many of these weapons continue to be used in later games, even if they are not listed under that game's list of Staffs.

Golden Sun Staves and Ankhs[]

These staves were introduced in the original game and make return appearances in the second.

Shamans Rod Shaman's Rod: A Staff-class key item that increases base Attack by 10. It is a central plot point in both Golden Sun and The Lost Age, and as such it cannot be sold or dropped. It enters and leaves the party's inventory in response to storyline events in both games.

Wooden Stick Wooden Stick: A common Staff that increases base Attack by 4. It is sold in weapon vendors at Vale in Golden Sun and at Daila in The Lost Age. Its buy value is 40 coins and its sell value is 30 coins. It is the initial equipment of Jenna and Ivan in the first game and Jenna and Sheba in the second.

Magic Rod Magic Rod: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 16. Its Unleash effect, Murk, is an attack that adds 10 damage points, is based on the Jupiter element, and may inflict the target with Sleep. It is sold as an artifact in the weapon vendor at Vault in Golden Sun and at the weapon vendor at Madra in The Lost Age. Its buy value is 380 coins and its sell value is 285.

Witchs Wand Witch's Wand: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 32. Its Unleash effect, Stun Voltage, is an attack that adds 12 damage points, is based on the Jupiter element, and may inflict the target with Stun. It is sold as an artifact in the weapon vendor at Bilibin in Golden Sun and at the weapon vendor at Garoh in The Lost Age. Its buy value is 860 coins and its sell value is 645. It is Mia's initial equipment in Golden Sun.

Blessed Ankh Blessed Ankh: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 46. Its Unleash effect, Psyphon Seal, is an attack that adds 14 damage points, is based on the Jupiter element, and may seal the target's Psynergy. It is sold as an artifact in the weapon vendor at Imil in Golden Sun and at the weapon vendor at Mikasalla in The Lost Age. Its buy value is 1600 coins and its sell value is 1200.

Psynergy Rod Psynergy Rod: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 64. Its Unleash effect, Psy Leech, is an attack that adds 22 damage points, is based on the Mercury element, and 10% of the damage done is added to the user's own PP meter. It is sold as an artifact in the weapon vendor at Altin in Golden Sun and at the weapon vendor at Naribwe in The Lost Age. Its buy value is 3800 coins and its sell value is 2850.

Frost Wand Frost Wand: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 76, and it is a pure-element weapon in that standard attacks with this weapon are based on the Mercury element. Its Unleash effect, Frost Bite, is an attack that adds 28 damage points, is based on the Mercury element, and may Stun the target. It is sold as an artifact in the weapon vendor at Kalay in Golden Sun and at the weapon vendor at Kibombo in The Lost Age. Its buy value is 5400 coins and its sell value is 4050.

Angelic Ankh Angelic Ankh: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 83. Its Unleash effect, Life Leech, is an attack that adds 29 damage points, is based on the Mercury element, and may add all damage done by the attack to the user's own HP meter. It is sold as an artifact in the weapon vendor at Tolbi in Golden Sun and at the weapon vendor at Apojii Islands in The Lost Age. Its buy value is 6400 coins and its sell value is 4800.

Demonic Staff Demonic Staff: A Cursed Artifact that increases base Attack by 92. Its Unleash effect, Bad Omen, is an attack that adds 43 damage points, is based on the Venus element, and may inflict Haunt on the target. It is sold as an artifact in the weapon vendor at Lunpa in Golden Sun and at the general vendor at Champa in The Lost Age. Its buy value is 10000 coins and its sell value is 7500.

Zodiac Wand Zodiac Wand: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 102. Its Unleash effect, Shining Star, is an attack that adds 57 damage points, is based on the Jupiter element, and may inflict Delusion on the target. It is obtained as a rare item drop from Grand Golem enemies in the later portion of Venus Lighthouse. Its buy value is 11400 coins and its sell value is 8550.

Crystal Rod Crystal Rod: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 106. Its Unleash effect, Drown, is an attack that adds 47 damage points, is based on the Mercury element, and may instantly fell the target. It is sold as an artifact in the weapon vendor at Lalivero in Golden Sun and at the general vendor at Shaman Village in The Lost Age. Its buy value is 13400 coins and its sell value is 10050.

Golden Sun: The Lost Age Staves and Ankhs[]

These staves are introduced in the second game:

Staff of Anubis Staff of Anubis: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 83. Its Unleash effect, Sarcophagus, is an attack that adds 30 damage, is based on the Venus element, and may inflict Haunt on the target. It is obtained as a rare item drop from Red Demon enemies in Gabomba Statue. Its buy value is 5500 coins and its sell value is 4125.

Cloud Wand Cloud Wand: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 98. Its Unleash effect, Stun Cloud, is an attack that adds 31 damage, is based on the Mercury element, and may Stun the target. It is only bought randomly by bringing a Tear Stone forgeable material to the blacksmith in Yallam so that he may create one of several possible randomly determined items from it, including this one. Its buy value is 7000 and its sell value is 5250.

Firemans Pole Fireman's Pole: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 130. It does not have an Unleash effect; rather, it can be used as an item while in the inventory of an Adept that is able to equip it (but it does not necessarily have to be actually equipped) to increase all Adepts' resistances by 20 in battle, though there is a chance its functionality as a Usable item will break and it will have to be repaired to reuse its Use effect. It is obtained randomly as a prize in Lemuria Spring with your Lucky Medals. Its buy value is 8200 and its sell value is 6150, its sell value while broken is 4100, and its repair value is 2050.

Goblins Rod Goblin's Rod: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 134. Its Unleash effect, Sargasso, is an attack that adds 39 damage, is based on the Mercury element, and may instantly fell the target. It is found as a Rusty Staff at a shallow spot in the Great Western Sea, north of Hesperia, and must be reforged at the blacksmith in Yallam. Its buy value is 9800 and its sell value is 7350.

Glower Staff Glower Staff: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 126. Its Unleash effect, Flash Force, is an attack that adds 44 damage, is based on the Mercury element, and may seal the target's Psynergy. It is found as a rusty staff in the Shrine of the Sea God dungeon, in the portion accessible with the Frost Psynergy, and must be reforged at the blacksmith in Yallam. Its buy value is 10100 and its sell value is 7575.

Dracomace Dracomace: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 128. Its Unleash effect, Aging Gas, is an attack that adds 45 damage, is based on the Jupiter element, and may add all damage done by the attack to the user's own HP meter. It is found as a rusty staff in the earlier portion of Islet Cave that does not require using the Teleport psynergy to fully explore, and must be reforged at the blacksmith in Yallam. Its buy value is 10700 and its sell value is 8025.

Meditation Rod Meditation Rod: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 150. Its Unleash effect, Nirvana, is an attack that adds 50 damage, is based on the Jupiter element, and may add 10% damage done by the attack to the user's own PP meter. It is found in a chest in Jupiter Lighthouse, in a room with many platforms/pillars to hop across. Its buy value is 13400 and its sell value is 10050.

Salamander Rod Salamander Rod: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 156. Its Unleash effect, Fire Dance, is an attack that adds 51 damage, is based on the Mars element, and may lower the target's Attack rating by 25%. It is only bought randomly by bringing a Salamander Tail forgeable material to the blacksmith in Yallam so that he may create one of several possible randomly determined items from it, including this one. Its buy value is 14300 and its sell value is 10725.

Nebula Wand Nebula Wand: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 165. Its Unleash effect, Reverse Star, is an attack that adds 58 damage, is based on the Mercury element, and may add 10% damage done by the attack to the user's own PP meter. It is only bought randomly by bringing an Orihalcon forgeable material to the blacksmith in Yallam so that he may create one of several possible randomly determined items from it, including this one. Its buy value is 15200 and its sell value is 11400.

Clothos Distaff Clotho's Distaff: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 168. It does not have an Unleash effect; rather, it can be used as an item while in the inventory of an Adept that is able to equip it (but it does not necessarily have to be actually equipped) to cure an Adept's HP meter by around 1000 points both in and out of battle, though there is a chance its functionality as a Usable item will break and it will have to be repaired to reuse its Use effect. It is obtained as a rare drop from Minos Warrior enemies in Mars Lighthouse. Its buy value is 17200 and its sell value is 12900, its sell value while broken is 8600, and its repair value is 4300.

Atropos Rod Atropos' Rod: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 169. Its Unleash effect, Life Shear, which has a higher-than-usual base Unleash rate of 40% (most weapons unleash 35% of the time), is an attack that adds 114 damage points, is based on the Mars element, and may instantly fell the target. It is obtained as a rare drop from Fire Dragon enemies in Yampi Desert Cave. Its buy value is 18900 and its sell value is 14175.

Lachesis Rule Lachesis' Rule: An Artifact that increases base Attack by 177. Its Unleash effect, Apocalypse, which has a higher-than-usual base Unleash rate of 40% (most weapons unleash 35% of the time), is an attack that adds 125 damage points, is based on the Jupiter element, and may inflict Death Curse on the target. It is obtained as a rare drop from Mad Demon enemies in Anemos Inner Sanctum. Its buy value is 21700 and its sell value is 16275.

Dark Dawn - Staffs Vs. Ankhs[]

Although no new Staffs or Ankhs are introduced in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, the differences between Staffs and Ankhs is made more notable. Staffs still vastly outnumber Ankhs, so for the sake of convenience, the Ankhs in Dark Dawn are listed again below. Any other returning weapons on this page are Staffs.

Ankhs in Dark Dawn:

Blessed Ankh

  Angelic Ankh

  Clotho's Distaff

Staffs in Golden Sun
Shaman's RodWooden StickMagic RodWitch's WandBlessed AnkhPsynergy RodFrost WandAngelic AnkhDemonic StaffZodiac WandCrystal Rod
Staves in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Shaman's RodWooden StickMagic RodWitch's WandBlessed AnkhPsynergy RodFrost WandStaff of AnubisCloud WandFireman's PoleGoblin's RodGlower StaffDracomaceMeditation RodSalamander RodNebula WandClotho's DistaffAtropos' RodLachesis' Rule
Staves in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Wooden StickMagic RodWitch's WandBlessed AnkhPsynergy RodFrost WandAngelic AnkhDemonic StaffZodiac WandCrystal RodClotho's DistaffAtropos' RodLachesis' Rule
Body Armor
Hand Armor
Head Armor
Key Items