This is a list of all 18 Venus Djinn in Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age. Their statistic boosts, individual effects, and locations are provided. For summon sequences, see List of Summon sequences.
Venus Djinn in Golden Sun[]
Name | Statistics change when set | Action when used in battle | Location |
Flint | HP +8 PP +4 Attack +3 |
Deals a Venus-aligned physical attack 160% of the power of the user's normal physical attack. | Automatically acquired once you leave Vale and enter the overworld for the first time. |
Granite | HP +9 Defense +2 Agility +2 Luck +1 |
Decreases all damage done to all party members by 50% for the current turn. Acts with increased priority. | Acquired in Kolima, in a fenced-in area reached from the inside by going into a secret back door behind the treehouse to its left and traversing a short underground path. |
Quartz | HP +10 PP +3 Agility +3 |
Targeted downed ally has a 50% chance to be revived and their HP restored to 50% of their maximum HP meter. | Fought and earned late in Mogall Forest. |
Vine | HP +12 PP +4 Defense +3 Luck +1 |
Lowers all enemies' Agility ratings down to 50%, the minimum possible modifier value Agility can be lowered down to. | Fought and earned by random overworld monster encounter in a small region in Angara just west of the exit to Lamakan Desert on a round island. Alternatively, the random encounter can happen north of the exit on a brown stripe of land near the end of a path between the river and the mountains. |
Sap | HP +10 Attack +3 Luck +1 |
Deals a Venus-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 50 damage points added to the result, and the user's HP meter is restored by an amount equal to 50% of the damage dealt. If the target dies, the user's HP is restored by half of the target's health before the attack. | Acquired in Vault. First, ring the town bell to make Sap hop to the exit of the Vault Cave optional dungeon, then traverse and complete Vault Cave, whereupon you reach Sap as your "prize". |
Ground | HP +9 PP +3 Agility +3 |
Prevents the target from performing one of its actions this turn. Acts with increased priority. | Acquired in Kalay Docks. Located on the top side of an impassable mound of dirt, it can only be reached by entering Kalay Docks from the top end of the overworld map. |
Bane | HP +12 Attack +4 |
Deals a Venus-aligned physical attack equal in power to the user's normal physical attack with an additional 60 damage points added to the result, and there is a chance that the target will be afflicted with the Deadly Poison status condition. | Acquired in the sixth floor of Crossbone Isle. The entire room is a puzzle-like maze which must be solved both to pass the room and to reach Bane, and the Halt Psynergy is necessary to collect it. |
Venus Djinn in The Lost Age[]
Name | Statistics change when set | Action when used in battle | Location |
Echo | HP +9 PP +4 Attack +3 |
Deals a Venus-aligned physical attack 160% of the power of the user's normal physical attack. | Automatically acquired once you leave Daila and enter the overworld for the first time. |
Iron | HP +11 Defense +2 Agility +3 |
Increases all currently active party members' Defense ratings by 25%. | Fought and earned by random overworld monster encounter in Indra in the forest immediately west of the town of Madra. |
Steel | HP +9 Attack +4 Defense +2 Luck +1 |
Deals a Venus-aligned physical attack 130% of the power of the user's normal physical attack, and the user's HP meter is restored by an amount equal to 50% of the damage dealt. If the target dies, the user's HP is restored by half of the target's health before the attack. | Fought and earned in the Gabomba Statue. After reversing all the gears in the dungeon, ride the left of a pair of pink gears rotating into an abyss and fall to where Steel is in the floor below. |
Mud | HP +10 PP +4 Agility +3 |
Lowers all enemies' Agility ratings down to 50%, the minimum possible modifier value Agility can be lowered down to. | Fought and earned in Gabomba Catacombs, reachable from the first room with the cyclone portals by casting Cyclone close enough to the mass of grass on the upper right that you enter a concealed cyclone portal, dropping you right next to Mud. |
Flower | HP +12 PP +4 |
Restores all currently active party members' HP meters by 30% of their respective maximum HP meters. | Fought and earned in the optional dungeon Taopo Swamp, in the quadrant connected to the lower rightmost cave entrance in the exterior area. Move two earth pillars to block two steam-spouting holes in the walls on either side of Flower so that Flower is blown by the steam-spouting hole behind it to the floor below. Then drop down the second cliff slide to the right of where Flower was to reach it in the room below. |
Meld | HP +9 Agility +4 Luck +1 |
The currently active party member other than the user with the highest Attack rating deals a Venus-aligned attack equal in power to their normal physical attack, but with their Attack rating treated as temporarily increased by an amount equal to 25% of the Meld user's own Attack rating. | Fought and earned in the initially accessible portion of the optional Islet Cave, the hidden dungeon accessible once a sequence of item trades across the Great Eastern Sea is completed. |
Petra | HP +11 Defense +3 |
Prevents the target from performing one of its actions this turn. Acts with increased priority. | Fought and earned by random overworld monster encounter in Hesperia in a vertical stretch of forest in the northeastern region of the continent. This region is most easily reached by sailing the ship into the river opening on the northeastern tip of the landmass. |
Salt | HP +9 PP +5 Luck +1 |
Heals all status ailments from all currently active party members. | Acquired in Contigo, hidden in the center bare spot of a large group of grass just to the right of where one enters the town. Use the Scoop Psynergy on the one bare spot to acquire the Djinni. |
Geode | HP +12 Attack +6 |
Deals a Venus-aligned physical attack 190% of the power of the user's normal physical attack. | Acquired in Atteka Inlet, in the lower left corner of the left screen. Use the Lift Psynergy gained after Isaac's party joins Felix's late in The Lost Age on the boulder, and use the Cyclone Psynergy on the single patch of grass to make Geode appear. |
Mold | HP +8 Attack +4 Agility +2 Luck +1 |
Compels the target foe to either attack another enemy on its side of the field, or itself if there is no other enemy, with a Venus-aligned attack equal in power to the Mold user's normal physical attack with an additional 80 damage points added to the result. | Acquired in the upper screen of the town of Prox. After sliding and bumping into it on the ice river, slide up to the mound of snow and use Scoop to acquire Mold. |
Crystal | HP +10 PP +5 Defense +2 |
Restores all currently active party members' HP meters by 50% of their respective maximum HP meters. | Fought and earned in the optional dungeon Yampi Desert Cave. In a room where a moving mound of sand emerges in different spots of a sandy section of floor in an alternating pattern, cast a properly-timed Scoop to extract Crystal from the mound. |

Missing a Venus Djinni from the first game? One can be found again here in Treasure Isle.
In addition, one Venus Djinni can be found in an extra location in The Lost Age depending on whether you're not in possession of one or more of the original Golden Sun's Venus Djinn. If Isaac's party joins Felix's party after the reunion not carrying all seven of the first game's Venus Djinn, then one of the missing Venus Djinn will be available to collect in the pictured area near the end of the Treasure Isle dungeon. This can essentially be viewed as a "last chance" or "make-up" Venus Djinni for if you're playing The Lost Age without cross-game data transfer or with data-transfer from a completed Golden Sun game file in which the party did not collect all seven of the original Venus Djinn.
Venus Djinn in Dark Dawn[]
Sap: A Venus Djinni that attacks with a normal Venus-elemental attack with an additional 50 points. It also absorbs 50% of the total damage. It is a tutorial Djinni which disappears after Tanglewood. It increases HP by 11, Attack by 4, and Luck by 1
Ground: A Venus Djinni that holds a foe, negating their turn. On multiple turn foes it negates one turn from them. It is a tutorial Djinni which disappears after Tanglewood. It increases HP by 10, PP by 2 and Agility by 3.
Granite: A Venus Djinni that grants an earthen barrier, negating 50% of all damage to the entire party. It is a tutorial Djinni which disappears after Tanglewood. It increases HP by 10, Defense by 2, Agility by 2, and Luck by 1
Quartz: A Venus Djinni that is used by Isaac during the Tanglewood tutorial. It has a 50% chance to revive a fallen party member. Their HP is restored by 50% of their max. It is never avaliable to the main party
Salt: A Venus Djinni that is used by Isaac during the Tanglewood tutorial. It removes all status effects from all party members. It is never available to the main party
Venus Djinn of note[]
- Geode obsoletes the already powerful Flint and Echo, which would otherwise share the highest damage multiplier of all Djinn, with a greater and stronger damage modifier almost akin to dealing double damage, becoming the most directly powerful yet reliable offensive Djinni in the series.
- Sap and Steel, while working off different damage formulae, share the fact that the user's HP will be restored by an amount equal to half the damage they deal, making them potentially useful for simultaneous offensive and restorative purposes.
- Bane is the stronger of the two Djinn (the other being the Jupiter Djinni Wheeze) that may afflict the target with the very damaging and useful Deadly Poison status condition.
- Granite is often used for reliably halving all damage the party sustains in a given turn, despite it having superior counterparts in the Mars Djinni Flash and the Mercury Djinni Shade, both counted among the best Djinn in the game.
- Vine and Mud share the effect of halving all enemies' Agility ratings, which can be construed as equivalent to the Djinn Zephyr and Coal and their doubling of all party members' agility ratings - but with the added benefit that the enemy cannot remove its own Agility debuff with the Break Psynergy.
- Ground and Petra share the unique and extremely useful effect of preventing the enemy from using its one action this turn (or otherwise, one of its actions this turn if it is a boss that performs multiple actions each turn).
- Iron and its identical counterpart the Mars Djinni Corona share the only effect the party has that is equivalent to two stacked-up uses of the Protect Psynergy at once.
- Salt and its identical counterpart the Mercury Djinni Tonic share the only effect the party has to heal the entire current battling party of all their status conditions, including the ones like Haunt that is normally only removable at a Sanctum.
- Crystal is a superior version of Flower and its identical Mercury Djinni counterpart Spritz, and would suffice as a Wish Psynergy series or Mist Potion substitute for an Adept without either luxury.
- Flint and Echo are the first Djinn to be encountered in both games, and both do the same thing when encountered. When the player enters the overworld map, these Djinn are encountered and they give a tutorial on how to use Djinn during a cutscene. In addition, both Flint and Echo provide some comedic responses and resort to outright begging to join the player's party if Isaac or Felix refuse to let either one join several times each, Echo especially since he promises Felix that Echo “won’t be a burden and eat all [his] chips or anything”. But regardless of your main character's responses, Flint and Echo will join no matter what.
Venus |
Monster Lines in the Golden Sun series | |
Aka Manah • Amaze • Angle Worm • Ant Lion • Ape • Assassin • Avimander • Ball • Bat • Blue Dragon • Chestbeater • Chimera • Conch Shell • Colosso Gladiator • Cuttle • Demon • Dino • Dirge • Doomsayer • Dread Hound • Drone Bee • Emu • Flame Dragon • Gargoyle • Ghost • Ghost Army • Ghoul • Gnome • Golem • Gressil • Grub • Gryphon • Harpy • Hobgoblin • Hydra • Kobold • Living Armor • Living Statue • Lizard Man • Manticore • Mauler • Merman • Mini-Goblin • Minotaurus • Mole • Momonga • Mummy • Mushroom • Orc • Phoenix • Pixie • Punch Ant • Rat • Rat Soldier • Roc • Ruffian • Salamander • Scorpion • Sea Dragon • Seabird • Siren • Skeleton • Slime • Spider • Stone Soldier • Thief • Toad • Tornado Lizard • Troll • Urchin • Vermin • Wild Wolf • Will Head • Wolfkin • Wood Walker • Wyvern • Wyvern Chick • Zombie | |
Recurring single monsters | |
Jupiter Djinni • Mad Plant • Mars Djinni • Mercury Djinni • Mimic • Venus Djinni |