Tolbi Spring from the first Golden Sun.
The Lucky Medal Fountain is a minigame found in Tolbi in Golden Sun and in Lemuria in The Lost Age. It is the only place to find a wide variety of equipment, and the Eclipse Summon can be found in the Lemurian Spring. Another point to be noted is that in the Lemuria Spring, the player's HP and PP can be replenished while standing in front of or around the fountain, away from the platform, signs and people.
Tolbi and Lemuria Springs[]
Chronologically, the first Lucky Medal Fountain built was in Lemuria. Babi and Lunpa discovered Lemuria over a hundred years ago and visited the civilization. During this time, Babi began playing the game and loved it so much that, when he returned to Tolbi with his Lemurian draught, he built a replica of the Lemuria Spring which appeared in the first Golden Sun.
Playing the game[]
To play the game, the player must stand in front of the fountain and look in the opposite direction of it. The player has a choice of either throwing a coin or a Lucky Medal behind their back and attempt to land it inside the fountain. Within the fountain are two yellow circular targets within one another, with a blue ring between the two. A blue "bullseye" is in the center. The prize won from the fountain depends on where the coin or Medal lands; for example, if it lands on the smallest target center, you win a grand prize. However, if the coin or Medal lands on the outside target, or on the blue area between the targets, you'll win a prize of less worth. As a general rule, the closer to the center the coin or Medal lands, the more valuable the prize is. If it lands outside the targets, it is unlikely you'll receive a prize of much worth. The turtles and crabs are objects that randomly move around the fountain, making it difficult to land a prize of your liking. If any of them are hit, not only will their colors change and increase their speed, but also your coin or Medal will bump off at a great degree and greatly alter the outcome of the coin or Medal's final landing. The turtles and crabs have three speed settings that follow a cycle; if hit a third time, they reset to their slowest speed.
Coins vs. Lucky Medals[]
Two objects can be thrown in, a coin or a Lucky Medal. Throwing a coin will earn the player more coins, if it at least lands within a target, that is. If the coin lands outside of a target, no prize is given. The maximum number of coins that can be won is 20. Throwing a Lucky Medal will win players a wide variety of prizes, depending on your landing. Valuable items and equipment can be won, all of which are Artifacts. Each Fountain has its own set of equipment that can be won, and all equipment won at the Fountains cannot be found anywhere else in the games. In The Lost Age, you can win the Eclipse Summon Tablet by scoring a perfect landing.
Random Number Generator[]
The Random Number Generator does indeed have an impact on what prize is received. In the first Golden Sun, this can be manipulated by saving, doing a hard reset, and then adding random numbers by entering and leaving the screen a certain number of times. By repeatingly resetting you can check how many times you have to change screens to receive certain items. However, at the time of this writing, it is not known exactly how to influence it or how to manipulate it for The Lost Age, since in this game, the random numbers used for the fountain are saved even when a hard reset is used. However, by using an emulator with a save state feature, it has been proved that the prize received in each zone is predetermined before the medal is tossed. This can, of course, be changed by adding random numbers.
These are lists of the prizes available by tossing a Lucky Medal into the Fountains. (Note that these may be incomplete, as they are compiled only through player testing)
Tolbi Spring[]
- Center, purple circle
Assassin Blade
Earth Shield
Spirit Armor
- First, yellow ring
Adept's Helm
Assassin Blade
Burning Axe
Cocktail Dress
Earth Shield
Spirit Armor
- Second, purple ring
Adept's Helm
Assassin Blade
Burning Axe
Cocktail Dress
Earth Shield
Glittering Tiara
Grievous Mace
Guardian Armlet
Spirit Armor
- Third, yellow ring
Adept's Helm
Battle Gloves
Burning Axe
Earth Shield
Glittering Tiara
Grievous Mace
Guardian Armlet
Ninja Hood
Spirit Armor
- Fourth, blank ring
Assassin Blade
Battle Gloves
Burning Axe
Ninja Hood
Psy Crystal
Spirit Armor
Water of Life
- Outside all rings
Adept's Helm
Assassin Blade
Battle Gloves
Burning Axe
Cocktail Dress
Glittering Tiara
Grievous Mace
Guardian Armlet
Ninja Hood
Psy Crystal
Lemuria Spring[]
- Center, purple circle
Eclipse (guaranteed the first time you make this shot)
Aegis Shield
Erebus Armor
Hestia Blade
- First, yellow ring
Aegis Shield
Erebus Armor
Floral Dress
Hestia Blade
Mighty Axe
Minerva Helm
- Second, purple ring
Crown of Glory
Erebus Armor
Fireman's Pole
Floral Dress
Hestia Blade
Leda's Bracelet
Mighty Axe
Minerva Helm
- Third, yellow ring
Brilliant Circlet
Crafted Gloves
Erebus Armor
Hestia Blade
Leda's Bracelet
Wild Coat
- Fourth, blank ring
Crown of Glory
Hestia Blade
Minerva Helm
Psy Crystal
Water of Life
Wild Coat
Fireman's Pole
- Outside all rings
Brilliant Circlet
Crafted Gloves
Crown of Glory
Erebus Armor
Fireman's Pole
Floral Dress
Minerva Helm
Psy Crystal
Water of Life
Wild Coat
Leda's Bracelet