Golden Sun Universe

A Nebula Wand is a Staff-class weapon found in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. It is obtained by bringing an Orihalcon forgeable item to Sunshine the blacksmith in Yallam, where he will randomly forge it into either that or several other items, and then buying it from him.

Basic Description[]

Being a Staff, it can be equipped by Ivan, Mia, Jenna, and Sheba. Its buy value is 15200 coins and its sell value is 11,400.

The Nebula Wand increases the wielder's base Attack rating by 165. Its Unleash effect is Reverse Star, which is effectively a standard physical attack that adds 58 damage points and then modifies the resulting damage based on the user's Mercury power and the target's Mercury resistance. It may also inflict add 10% of the damage done to the user's own PP meter. Reverse Star visually resembles the user attacking the target and a large, widely elliptical, rotating white cloud being emitted on impact.


This is the most powerful Mercury weapon that Mia can equip. Although the both the normal attack and unleash power is lower than alternative weapons such as the Atropos' Rod and the Lachesis' Rule, if Mia's primary purpose in your party is to heal, the unleash can be very useful to maintaining her PP in long battles or battle mode.

Staffs in Golden Sun
Shaman's RodWooden StickMagic RodWitch's WandBlessed AnkhPsynergy RodFrost WandAngelic AnkhDemonic StaffZodiac WandCrystal Rod
Staves in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Shaman's RodWooden StickMagic RodWitch's WandBlessed AnkhPsynergy RodFrost WandStaff of AnubisCloud WandFireman's PoleGoblin's RodGlower StaffDracomaceMeditation RodSalamander RodNebula WandClotho's DistaffAtropos' RodLachesis' Rule
Staves in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Wooden StickMagic RodWitch's WandBlessed AnkhPsynergy RodFrost WandAngelic AnkhDemonic StaffZodiac WandCrystal RodClotho's DistaffAtropos' RodLachesis' Rule