Golden Sun Universe
Golden Sun Universe

The Pirate's Sabre is a Light Blade in Golden Sun: The Lost Age. It is found in a small patch of shallows between Osenia and Tundaria that can only be reached and searched after the Grindstone is received. However, it is a Rusty Sword, and must be reforged in Yallam. As a Light Blade, the Pirate's Sabre can be equipped by Isaac, Felix, Garet, Jenna, Ivan, and Piers.

When equipped, the Pirate's Sabre increases the wielder's attack by 136. Its Unleash is Scorpionfish, which adds 43 damage points, converts the damage to Mars, and may inflict venom. Scorpionfish appears as the weapon impact creating an expanding cloud of red-orange mist. It can be purchased for 10600 coins and sold for 7950.

If found early enough, the Pirate's Sabre is a very useful weapon for Jenna, since her innate Mars levels - particularly if all possible Mars Djinn have been found and Set onto her - will give Scorpionfish a valuable boost. Not to mention the usefully damaging status effect it may inflict, which may make it a useful consideration even if found later when the party is equipped with weapons with higher Attack ratings.

Light Blades in Golden Sun
MacheteShort SwordHunter's SwordBandit's SwordElven RapierBattle RapierMystery BladeMaster RapierAssassin BladeNinja BladeSwift SwordKikuichimonji
Light Blades in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Short SwordHunter's SwordPirate's SwordBattle RapierHypnos' SwordCorsair's EdgeMaster RapierMist SabreNinja BladeSwift SwordSylph RapierPirate's SabrePhaeton's BladeBurning SwordMasamuneTisiphone Edge
Light Blades in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Short SwordHunter's SwordElven RapierBattle RapierMystery BladeMaster RapierAssassin BladeNinja BladeSwift SwordSylph RapierKikuichimonjiPhaeton's BladeMasamuneVerdant SwordTisiphone Edge