Using certain Djinn is one of but few ways to restore PP.
Psynergy Points, usually abbreviated to PP, is a "consumable statistic", meaning they can be depleted or recovered (although they cannot drop lower than zero or be raised above a set maximum). PP is most often used to cast Psynergy spells, although some techniques can be used to lower an enemy's PP. It is important to always have enough PP in or out of battle because Psynergy is one of, if not the, most important aspect of the Golden Sun series. The Jupiter Adepts Sheba and Ivan have the most Psynergy Points of the party when in their natural Wind Seer class.
Ways to increase maximum Psynergy Points[]
- Gain a level through battling.
- Use a Cookie.
- Set a Djinni that increases PP.
- Change your Character class.
- Certain items, when equipped, raise an Adept's maximum PP.
Ways to recover Psynergy Points[]
- Walking around.
- Sleep at an Inn.
- Find a Psynergy Stone.
- Use a Psy Crystal, in or out of battle.
- Certain items, when equipped, will restore a set amount of Psynergy Points every turn during battle.
- Using Psy Drain in battle.
- Unleashing Aroma, Ember, or Ether in battle.
- Using the Adept Ring, in or out of battle.
- Certain weapons' Unleash effects: Meditation Rod, Nebula Wand, Psynergy Rod, and Soul Brand.
Ways Psynergy Points are lost[]
- Using Psynergy (Monster skills do not consume Psynergy Points).
- Flying in the boat once the Wings of Anemos have been obtained.
- Being hit with the Monster Skill Crazy Voice.
- Being hit by any effect listed below.
Ways opponent's Psynergy Points can be drained[]
- Psy Drain.
- Fugue.
- The Catastrophe Summon.