Golden Sun Universe

A Righteous Mace is a Mace found in both Golden Sun games. They are sold as Artifacts in Lalivero in Golden Sun and in Contigo in The Lost Age. Being a Mace, it can be equipped by Isaac, Felix, Garet, Sheba, Mia, and Piers. Its buy value is 8400 coins and its sell value is 6300.

The Righteous Mace increases the wielder's attack by 112. Also, the wielder recovers 3 more HP per turn. The Righteous Mace's Unleash effect is Blinding Smog, which is an attack that is based on normal attack damage, adds 49 damage points, and then modifies the resulting damage based on the user and the target's Jupiter power and resistance. The attack may also inflict Delusion on the target. Blinding Smog visually resembles the user attacking and a bright blue-tinted cloud being emitted upon impact.

In Golden Sun, it has the highest attack rating increase of the weapon artifacts sold in Lalivero, the last shop in the game, and those who equip it on Mia note that it has a sharp increase in attack over the Crystal Rod. If they actually use Mia for physically attacking, then this way of using it would be valid, but various players would prefer using the Crystal Rod, with an Unleash that has the far more desirable side-effect of instantly KO'ing the target. Depending on what weapons the party might have by Lalivero, this is likely to be a good buy, but may also be obsoleted by other weapons later.

Whereas in The Lost Age, though, it being available to buy only in the Great Western Sea makes it similar to the Silver Blade in that it will be far, far out-powered by the equipment the party would surely have amassed by that point. This would, of course, relevantly apply to Isaac's party if it is still equipped with this mace when they join Felix, for many weapons would become available to serve as direct improvements over this mace.

Maces in Golden Sun
MaceHeavy MaceBattle MaceWar MaceGrievous MaceRighteous MaceWicked MaceBlessed Mace
Maces in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Blow MaceComet MaceHagbone MaceDemon MaceThanatos MaceRising MaceTungsten Mace
Maces featured in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
MaceHeavy MaceBattle MaceBlow MaceWar MaceGrievous MaceHagbone MaceThanatos MaceVajra Mace