Golden Sun Universe
Golden Sun Universe
SW Atteka

SW Atteka Islet teeters on the edge of the world.

The SW (Southwest) Atteka Islet is, as the name would suggest, a small island southwest of Atteka.

Although it does not have to be visited, a Dragon Skin can be found here, as well as a Jupiter Djinni for players who have not transferred data from Golden Sun, or players who have transferred data, but without collecting all the Djinn in the first game. It is one of the 2 islands in which the player can enter Gaia Falls as an area, not just see it on the overworld map.


Bestiary of SW Atteka Islet
Monster Name LVL HP ATK DEF AGI EXP Coins Weakness Drop Drop Rate
Pteranodon 31 242 291 100 166 341 174 Star jupiter Nut Nut 1/16
Slayer 31 220 300 90 158 344 254 Star jupiter Sleep Bomb Sleep Bomb 1/32
Talon Runner 31 228 303 88 159 367 215 Star jupiter Bramble Seed Bramble Seed 1/32
Wargold 31 202 303 78 181 321 226 Star jupiter Oil Drop Oil Drop 1/16
Wolfkin 31 213 309 89 174 337 219 Star mars Weasels Claw Weasel's Claw 1/16

Missing a Jupiter Djinni from the first game? One can be found again here.


Jupiter djinn Jupiter Djinn: Found after lifting the boulder blocking access to the stone hopping pillars. Only appears if the player is missing one or more Jupiter Djinn from the original game.

Dragon Skin Dragon Skin: Found in a chest after completing the island's single puzzle.


  • This location has a glitch where if the player saves next to the treasure chest and resets the game, the box used to jump over the water appears misplaced blocking your path, essentially getting the player stuck in that area until one uses the "warp to last sanctum" feature (L+Start buttons whilst loading a game).

Minor Locations in Golden Sun
Alpine CrossingBilibin BarricadeGondowan PassageFuchin TempleKalay DocksKolima BridgeLama TempleTolbi Docks
Minor Locations in Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Ancient LemuriaAtteka InletE Tundaria IsletEast Indra ShoreGondowan SettlementHesperia SettlementIdejimaN Osenia IsletOsenia CliffsSE Angara IsletSea of Time IsletSW Atteka IsletWest Indra Islet

Summon Caverns: Angara CavernAtteka CavernIndra CavernOsenia Cavern

Minor Locations in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
Konpa GateClouds of PassajSaha CisternKolima JunctionIceburg Outpost

Summon Caverns: Carver's LumberyardKonpa ShrineNorth Wall ShrineBorder Town Mine
