The Sun Saga is a series of collectible book items in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn that provide a retrospective on the events of the previous two games in the series. When one of these are used, a corresponding movie will play on the bottom screen, in which a condensed form of the previous games' story will be told through simple pastel art, with the classic characters appearing in a chibi style.
Sun Saga 1[]

Isaac, Garet and Jenna
This book can be found in the main room of Lookout Cabin, when the area that green books lie upon are inspected.
- The saga of the Golden Sun begins long before the transformative event happened over Mount Aleph and the village of Vale.
- The relics that could release the Golden Sun were hidden within a temple known as Sol Sanctum.
- Then came the day that the villagers Garet, Isaac, and Jenna set out to meet the local scholar of Alchemy.
- They stumbled across strangers in the shadows who desired to possess the relics of the temple.
- They rushed to find the scholar Kraden, who said they had to find out if Sol Sanctum had been breached.
- Though only priests were allowed inside, Kraden and his friends dared to enter the temple to find out the truth.
- The traps they found within the temple should have scared them away, but its mysteries lured them ever deeper.
- But what they truly couldn't resist was the spirit of adventure.
- Their final destination took them to the heart of the mountain where the relics of the temple had been hidden.
- Their moment of wonder was interrupted by the arrival of thieving fiends!
- They'd duped Kraden into solving the temple's riddles for them!
- Their guide was Felix, none other than Jenna's brother, who was thought drowned during a storm in Vale three years earlier.
- The thieves stole Jenna and Kraden away...
- and then stole the legendary relics from Sol Sanctum...the Elemental Stars.
- Isaac and Garet were left to fend for themselves in the relic chamber.
- Their exit was cut off. They couldn't leave the chamber!
- The mountain began to shake angrily, awoken by the loss of the elemental relics.
- Magma began to bubble and gush. Mount Aleph was, in truth, a slumbering volcano!
- Isaac and Garet were trapped!
- Just then, the protector of Sol Sanctum appeared! The godlike Wise One had come to their rescue!
- The Wise One explained that a nightmare had been put into motion by the theft of the Elemental Stars.
- Four lighthouses, which had sealed away the apocalyptic power of Alchemy, could now be powered back up!
- The lighthouses could be reignited with their matching Elemental Stars...
- unleashing Alchemy upon the world.
- After telling of ancient catastrophes averted...and a new one soon to begin...
- the Wise One teleported Isaac and Garet safely out of the mountain, back up to the temple entrance.
- They were saved from the volcanic wrath of Mount Aleph.

Isaac and Garet meet the Wise One
Sun Saga 2[]
This book can be found in Patcher's Place, by entering the upper-left residence and inspecting the upper left bookcase.
- The day after Mount Aleph erupted, Isaac and Garet left Vale.
- They began their quest to get the Elemental Stars back.
- And, of course, to rescue the kidnapped Jenna and Kraden from their captors.
- Jenna's brother, Felix, who had turned traitor on Vale, had to be stopped.
- As they traveled across the continent, the two heroes met others who joined their party.
- The Wind Adept known as Ivan was next to join. Along with his power over the skies, he could read people's minds.
- The three Adepts journeyed onward...
- enduring trials of their heroism throughout the continent...
- until they finally arrived in Imil, where they found the first Elemental Lighthouse.
- Here they met Mia, who had devoted her life to caring for the sick and elderly of Imil.
- Mia was also one of few members of her family still alive to look after the lighthouse, the one devoted to the water element.
- Unfortunately, by the time Mia and the heroes entered the lighthouse, they found its beacon already lit.
- Someone had beaten them there, someone who'd helped reignite its fire.
- This intruder was Mia's cousin, Alex. As another surviving member of her family, Alex was a Water Adept, like Mia.
- His betrayal of his people meant failure for the heroes as well. They could not stop the beacon from being lit.
- Isaac and the party had traveled so far, yet their journey had been in vain.
- Mia was bound by duty to join Isaac and his friends.
- She knew that her cousin would stop at nothing to ignite all of the lighthouses.
- Together, they could perhaps stop Felix and Alex, the two fiends who had the same mad ambition.
- The party was now four strong! The Adepts renewed the chase!
Sun Saga 3[]
This book can be found in Passaj, by entering the great hall and inspecting the upper right bookcase.
- In pursuit of Felix and Alex, the heroes entered lands that brimmed with mystery.
- They met foreign peoples whose lives were tossed and turned by the fates of those terrible times.
- But no matter what hurdles stood in the heroes' way, still they found a way forward.
- In their travels, one thing was clear: the rising tide of chaos!
- The Mercury Lighthouse, they guessed, was causing all these problems with its fluid, chaotic influence!
- But the waves of monsters that they fought…
- all fell before their valor, giving the heroes greater confidence!
- After reaching Tolbi, the greatest city of Angara, they crossed a bridge for another continent!
- The heroes entered Gondowan and braved its vast deserts.
- In time, they fought their way to the city of Lalivero, home to the Venus Lighthouse.
- They were ready to face the dangers of the second lighthouse!
- Unfortunately, Alex and his party had already beaten them there.
- The Venus Lighthouse, emerging from the desert sands, was even more mysterious than the Mercury Lighthouse.
- The climb up the Venus Lighthouse was fraught with peril, but at long last the heroes caught up with the fiends.
- But they didn't find Felix or Alex waiting for them at the top.
- They instead came face-to-face with two warriors from a strange land who were immensely powerful.
- In a brutal battle, the heroes narrowly defeated the warriors. But…
- They couldn't stop the lighthouse from being activated!
- There was a shocking release of its elemental earth power!
- The Venus Lighthouse began to collapse!
- As it crumbled, Felix lost his grip on one of his captives, Sheba, the priest of Lalivero. He dove after her.
- The two vanished into the waves far below the lighthouse…
Sun Saga 4[]
This book can be found in the library in Belinsk.
- Isaac and his friends survived the destruction around Lalivero.
- They soon continued their hunt on an ancient boat bound for the Eastern Sea.
- Though still in pursuit of those who had kidnapped Jenna...
- They had also been given a new mission by the ruler of Tolbi.
- Above all, this ruler wanted to find the lost land of the ancients, Lemuria.
- Their search took them far and wide. What they soon found shocked them all...
- They caught wind of the news that Felix and Sheba were still alive.
- The scoundrel and his captive had survived the collapse of the Venus Lighthouse.
- Isaac heard first that Felix's journey had taken him to Izumo.
- Word was that Felix and his party had defeated the legendary serpent of Izumo...and saved a village.
- And Felix had also caught up with the notorious pirate known as Briggs...and given him a thrashing.
- Such heroism...from Felix? Then, word reached them that he had braved the Ankohl ruins to gain its treasures.
- It was at that point that Isaac set their course for the third lighthouse.
- They came to the continent of Atteka, the home of the Jupiter Lighthouse.
- Isaac and the group were eager to catch up with Felix.
- But Felix's party was well ahead of them. They had already reached the lighthouse.
- And in their frustration, Isaac and his friends made a foolish error...
- They walked right into a trap.
- But not one set by Felix. Two warriors from Prox, a remote tribal village of Fire Adepts, had ensnared them.
- The warriors from Prox had drawn everyone into their scheme to restart the lighthouses...for their own reasons.
- The true fiends behind everything believed they could achieve their goals and finish off the heroes in one master stroke.
- But just as the final blow began to fall, an unexpected hero rose to save the day: the wayward son of Vale, Felix.
- The Proxians fled the scene. Isaac and his friends were saved.
- But the third lighthouse had been relit. Isaac and his friends had failed again!
- It was then that Isaac found out what Kraden had learned about the true secret of the lighthouses and Alchemy.
- There was an important reason that Felix had embarked on his journey to restart the Elemental Lighthouses.
- The flat world of Weyard was heading for apocalypse.
- When the ancients sealed up Alchemy, they had cut off the world's life force. Its edges were crumbling away.
- Weyard was approaching its final end.
- Alchemy had been sealed up because people had abused its power. But the consequences were even more severe.
- The heroes were faced with two choices: they could either let the world continue to crumble away...
- or they could unleash the unpredictable power of Alchemy, but in doing so, revitalize their dying world.
- Isaac and his friends understood at last that the cause they had been serving was a disastrous one.
- They vowed to restart the fourth lighthouse and restore the force of Alchemy to the world.
Sun Saga 5[]
This book can be found in a bookcase in the lower right tree of Kolima Village.
- The last of the lighthouses to be relit, the Mars Lighthouse, was located in far-northern Prox.
- The Proxian people were on the verge of extinction, which was why their warriors were trying to restart the lighthouses.
- Their homeland was crumbling before their very eyes.
- Isaac and Felix's parties joined forces to save the world.
- With their combined efforts, they finally succeeded in restarting the Mars Lighthouse.
- At that moment, energy brighter than the sun's plasma shot out from each of the four lighthouses.
- The four beams met in the sky above Mount Aleph.
- A fiery sphere, burning like a golden sun, appeared there, radiating energy that spread throughout the world.
- For the Golden Sun, indeed, had arrived. The phenomenon saved the world from decay and death.
- And the heroes who had journeyed so long came to be known as the Warriors of Vale.
- Those warriors sacrificed all to bring the dawn of the Golden Sun! Now, a new generation will live its own legend!