Golden Sun Universe

Just to note that there is some contention throughout the internet as to whether "Staffs" should be "staves" based on the rules of plurals; One can actually have one staff, two staffs while another can have one stave, two staves. The Wiktionary definitions for staff and stave pretty much state that staffs are more associated with walking sticks while staves are more associated with ladder components. Therefore, it seems more etymologically accurate to keep the page's title as "List of Staffs". Just thought I should clear that up for future reference. :) Erik Jensen (Appreciate me here!) 21:41, 14 January 2007 (UTC)

That, and if it were "staves," I'd have to do a bit more coding on Template:S, which was a pain in the neck to do in the first place! :) —Hinoa talk 22:01, 14 January 2007 (UTC)
Uh, regardless of whichever is correct, I think the games use "Staffs" for the plural. It could be the other way around, though; Fire Emblem uses "Staff" for one and "Staves" for multiples.
So, yeah, I'm clueless :P --Rellin 16:21, 15 January 2007 (UTC)


I just noticed something. The Blessed Ankh, possibly the angelic one too, have different battle sprite appearances than other staffs. This may be true elsewhere as well. Tzion 05:26, 2 April 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, all the ankhs have clearly different battle sprites than staffs. Therefore there should probably be a divide between staffs and ankhs, as, even though they are effectively the same, they are as distinct as axes and longswords. 06:50, January 21, 2012 (UTC)