Golden Sun Universe

The Wind Seer class series is the default class series available to the Jupiter Adepts Ivan, Sheba, and Karis. They are members of this class series if they either have only Jupiter Djinn set to them or no Djinn whatsoever.

The class series, when at its highest stage of Sorcerer and compared to the other series at their highest respective stages, features very high PP and very good Agility, but ties with the Necromage as being among the lowest in Defense rating, and has the both single lowest HP and Attack ratings of all final-stage classes. This series' luck rating is the only one at the particular rating of 110%, making it "just above the standard". Noteworthy Psynergy from an endgame perspective includes Impact/High Impact and Ward/Resist, and the heaviest area-of-effect Psynergy it has is Spark Plasma. Average stats from an endgame perspective are 143% (150% if you don't factor in Luck).

Statistical Influence[]

Wind Seer class series
Class Name Djinn HP PP ATK DEF AGI LCK
Wind Seer 0-1 Star jupiter 80% 140% 80% 90% 130% 110%
Magician 2-3 Star jupiter 90% 150% 90% 100% 140% 110%
Mage 4-5 Star jupiter 110% 160% 100% 110% 150% 110%
Magister 6-7 Star jupiter 130% 170% 110% 120% 160% 110%
Sorcerer 8-9 Star jupiter 150% 180% 120% 130% 170% 110%

Psynergy Setup[]

The Lost Age[]

Both Jupiter Adepts present in the first two Golden Sun games naturally know the Mind Read Psynergy, and learn the Reveal Psynergy later on as well. However, they are not considered part of the Wind Seer class series, or any other class series, for that matter. Those Psynergies are always available to them no matter what their classes are. None of this applies to Karis, however, as she does not have the ability to use Mind Read or Reveal. It should also be noted that Karis does not learn the Ray series. Instead she learns the new Fresh Breeze Series. Every other Psynergy is the same as Ivan and Sheba.

Lvl Psynergy PP Range Power
1 Star jupiter Whirlwind 5 Range 3 20
4 Star jupiter Ray 6 Range 3 35
5 Star jupiter Impact 7 Range 1
Class must be Magician or higher.
6 Star jupiter Ward 3 Range 1
Class must be Mage or higher.
8 Star jupiter Plasma 8 Range 3 45
12 Star jupiter Sleep 5 Range 3
14 Star jupiter Storm Ray 10 Range 3 65
17 Star jupiter Bind 4 Range 1
18 Star jupiter Tornado 14 Range 5 80
21 Star jupiter High Impact 12 Range all
Class must be Magician or higher.
22 Star jupiter Resist 5 Range all
Class must be Mage or higher.
26 Star jupiter Shine Plasma 18 Range 5 100
36 Star jupiter Destruct Ray 21 Range 3 150
44 Star jupiter Tempest 27 Range 5 160
50 Star jupiter Spark Plasma 37 Range 7 180

Dark Dawn[]

The Ray Psynergy Series is replaced with the Fresh Breeze Psynergy series. Ray is now only available in the Beastling class series.

Lvl Psynergy PP Range Power
1 Star jupiter Whirlwind 5 Range 3 20
4 Star jupiter Fresh Breeze 5 Range all
5 Star jupiter Impact 7 Range 1
Class must be Magician or higher.
6 Star jupiter Ward 3 Range 1
Class must be Mage or higher.
8 Star jupiter Plasma 8 Range 3 45
12 Star jupiter Sleep 5 Range 3
14 Star jupiter Healthy Wind 8 Range all
17 Star jupiter Bind 4 Range 1
18 Star jupiter Tornado 14 Range 5 80
21 Star jupiter High Impact 12 Range all
Class must be Magician or higher.
22 Star jupiter Resist 5 Range all
Class must be Mage or higher.
26 Star jupiter Shine Plasma 18 Range 5 100
36 Star jupiter Healing Gust 14 Range all
44 Star jupiter Tempest 27 Range 5 160
50 Star jupiter Spark Plasma 37 Range 7 180


The default class series players tend to keep Ivan, Sheba, and Karis in throughout each game has some major shortcomings that really should be taken note of; specifically, the statistics of the Sorcerer are exactly equal to that of the Sage in the Hermit class series - and the Sage is not the highest class in that series; the Wizard is one step beyond that. The Wizard is stronger than the Sorcerer in every single statistic equally (and for Golden Sun the exact same would be said for the Sage being stronger than the Magister), and arguably has a better Psynergy collection as well, trading the Sorcerer's Ward/Resist Psynergies for Freeze Prism and the very useful Pure Wish while keeping Spark Plasma and Impact/High Impact. Therefore, the player should consider trading Djinn between Jupiter and Mercury Adepts so that both Adepts are in the Wizard class.

In Dark Dawn, the class is a bit more useful, as Karis can use healing psynergy, but the Hermit class series is still a good option for her to change into.

Aqua SquireBeastlingFlame UserGuardMarinerMikoPirateSquireWater SeerWind Seer