Golden Sun Universe
Golden Sun Universe
File:Yew Bow.gif Yew Bow
Trade values
Item class Bow
Buy value 13,000
Sell value 9,750
Statistics boosts
Attack Boost Star jupiter 120
First unleash effect
Effect name Snipe Shot
Extra damage Star jupiter x1.6
Side effect May ignore 50% of the target's Defense
Second unleash effect
Effect name Triple Burst
Extra damage Star jupiter x1.8

Yew Bow

Yew Bow

The Yew Bow is a Bow-class Artifact weapon introduced in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. The Yew Bow is given to players as a gift for rescuing a man stuck inside a tree at Kolima Forest by using Growth psynergy.

Basic Description[]

The Yew Bow increases the wielder's Attack by 120. As an Artifact, it can be sold for 9750 coins and subsequently re-bought for 13000 coins. Also, it is a pure element weapon, aligned with Jupiter, meaning that its standard attack does damage based on the Attacker's Jupiter Power and the target's Jupiter Resistance.

The Yew Bow is given to players as a gift for rescuing a man stuck inside a tree at Kolima Forest. Due to bows arriving relatively late to the series, it can currently only be equipped by Karis and Amiti. The Yew Bow has two Unleashes, both of which are Jupiter-based: Snipe Shot and Triple Burst. Snipe Shot deals 60% more damage than a normal attack and may additionally ignore half of the target's Defense during damage calculation. Triple Burst deals 80% more damage than a normal attack.


The Yew Bow is an excellent weapon for Karis, given its status as a Jupiter-based pure-element weapon. It does share some competition with the Sylph Rapier, another Jupiter-based pure-element weapon available soon after the Yew Bow. On average, the Yew Bow has stronger Unleashes, but has a slightly lower Attack rating that the Sylph Rapier. It is worth pointing out that the Sylph Rapier has a wider range of potential wielders compared to the Yew Bow. Thus, players may decide to allow Karis to retain the Yew Bow, which has a much smaller ranger of potential wielders and give the Sylph Rapier to another Adept.
